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"Jin and yoongi are gonna be so jealous" he chuckled and you pouted picking your laptop up so you could go look in your mirror to take your bonnet and scarf off, the night prior you had decided to attempt a twist out so you put your hair into little twist which took forever. "Why would they be jealous" you asked still pouting as you ran oil through the parts deciding that since you weren't leaving the house you'd just leave them in "if they want I could FaceTime them too!" You said and namjoon made the funniest sound of confusion.

"You're so dense baby" he said exasperatedly and you stomped your foot while aggressively putting the oil down. "Whatever!" You said while rolling your eyes and when you glared at the camera he only smiled making you roll your eyes again. You looked away from him for 2.3 seconds and when you turned back the bitch was wearing glasses.

"Oh my god-" you said and his eyebrows furrowed. "What?" He shrugged and you damn near screeched "bitch you wear glasses?" You said still not believing what you were seeing. "Yes... why? what's wrong are they ugly?" He asked getting ready to take them off but you stopped him immediately.

"No no no they aren't ugly they're just like.. um it's just- I like when guys wear glasses I just think it's cute y'know" you said trying to sound nonchalant but it obviously didn't work because namjoon bursted out laughing. "Aww you think I'm cute? Hm?" He asked a hint of laughter in his tone and you wanted to throw the whole laptop away.

"Omg shut up before I throw you in the garbage can" you mumbled "you wouldn't dare" he said through laughter.

You both stayed on the phone for about 30 more minutes before Jin bursted in namjoon's room, saying a quick good morning to you before dragging him away from the phone to have breakfast. You couldn't even fathom how you'd spent more than 9 hours on the phone with that gorgeous human being. Your laptop was running a lil hot but it was all worth it, especially for the amount of times when namjoon's tongue slipped and he called you baby.

You felt so lonely after ending the call. It was too quiet and you were beginning to think you had attachment issues. Although you were lit rally terrified of physical intimacy didn't mean you weren't a sucker for long talks and laughs. Luckily your bonnet hadn't came off in the middle of the night so your hair was still intact as you made your way to you little mini fridge to get something to drink. You skipped breakfast though because you usually didn't eat breakfast anyways.

After getting back in bed you decided that you probably weren't gonna go anywhere today. It was Sunday and you already dreaded going back to school Monday. You put on some music and laid down under your blankets deciding to read some fanfics since you haven't really had time to do so. You and angel always exchanged fanfics you've read and right now you reading one about your ult group and it was getting good.

About 2 hours into reading your music paused and not long after your phone began to ring.

Jinnie🐹💕 wants to FaceTime

Your eyes widened and you sat up quickly making sure you didn't look too fucked up before you answered.

"Hey princess!" Jin said and from what you saw it looks like he was sitting in his car and you could see yoongi in the backseat with hobi wrapped around him as they laughed among themselves. "Hi" you said back with a smile and he grinned as well. "Are you doing anything today?" He asked and you shook your head. "Not really... why?" You said Turning your lights on so he could see you better. "We were just wondering if you wanted to go to the mall with us today, we wanna treat you today!" He said excitedly and you frowned.

Of course you wanted to go but you didn't want them to just be doing this out of pity. You heard namjoon's voice in the background and your frown deepened you knew how close the four were and you didn't want to be a burden either. Sometimes if they didn't blatantly flirt with you, you would've thought they had feelings for eachother.

It was very clear how whipped yoongi was for namjoon and sometimes it feels like you're stealing his man. "I dunno..." you said attempting to discreetly to wipe your sweaty palms on your blanket. "Aww come on y/n please I haven't seen you since last night I want to check up on you too" Yoongi protested from the backseat. You looked at your tv and back to your phone you might as well go, it was the least you could do since yoongi really seemed like he actually wanted you to come.

"Give me 30 minutes to get ready" you said and the boys cheered. "Alright we'll be there in 30!" Jin said and you spoke a little more before hanging up. Quickly you rushed to pick out an outfit. It was getting colder day by day so you chose some ripped light colored jeans that complimented your figure and a fitting black top. Over that you put on a cute dark green jacket (reference the pic below!)

 Over that you put on a cute dark green jacket (reference the pic below!)

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And with that you threw on some high top black and white converse. As for your hair you had your fingers crossed hoping and praying that your hair would turn out the way you were thinking. And as you carefully undid the twist you were more than happy with the results giddily bouncing on the balls of your feet as you undid the last few.

 And as you carefully undid the twist you were more than happy with the results giddily bouncing on the balls of your feet as you undid the last few

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(The final result ⬆️)

After you finished your hair you did a final once over before grabbing your purse and making sure you had everything inside. You got a text from Jin saying they were 4 minutes away so you took this time to put out a little bit of lip gloss and stuffing it back into your purse. While you were FaceTiming angel to show her your hair your phone vibrated with a text saying "we're outside.. we think" and you giggled before saying bye to angel, hanging up, and walking out the door.

Sure enough they were parked outside your building and thankfully not lost. You walked up to the car and yoongi opened the door for you scooting over allowing you to get in. Once you were in and seated they all greeted you happily.
"You look pretty today y/n" yoongi said from beside you his eyes trained on your lips and your face began to burn hot. "T-thank you" you stuttered quietly and he smiled sitting back once again, smug.

From your dorm the mall was only about an 30 minute drive therefore you arrived not long after you left your house. "Your hair is really pretty" Jin said as you all exited the car and he finally got a good look at you. "Thanks" you said shyly and he gave you the sweetest smile in return. "So what do you guys wanna do first?" Yoongi asked as you guys walked inside. You looked around and even though you've been here a few times before it still seems new to you and you often end up getting lost. "Pretzels!" Hobi cheered immediately and you giggled "well pretzels it is" yoongi said and everyone collectively made their way to the kiosk that sold the pretzels.

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