Chapter Five - Brother Turned Kidnapper

Start from the beginning


They all had guns, it was just Reid who had shot first.

She didn't want to believe they were her brothers but with how adamant they were, and the similarities they seemed to share; pickled-colour eyed, black hair, she could even see some similar bone structure in the faces she had met. It was hard not to believe them.

"I still think you're lying," She voiced, knowing that even as she said it, part of her was lying.

"No, you don't." He stated, seeing right through her façade. He checked his watch and gazed back at her. "You need to start packing."

"Packing?" Cameron questioned, thinking she heard him wrong. "For what?"

Kalmin raised one bushy eyebrow. "You want to stay here? You're now associated with a murder. Police will be here soon."

"But, I didn't do anything wrong." Cameron exclaimed, uncrossing her arms but her hands clenching in anger.

"Pack the essentials," Kalmin ordered, walking past her much like he did the first time they met, "We're leaving in ten."

--- (/*\) ---

When Kalmin had said ten, he meant ten. 

Cameron was shoved out the apartment, a backpack over her shoulder, full of the clothes she had grabbed and her saved up money. Everything else that was valuable to her was in a duffel bag Kalmin carried, which he had packed before she had got to the apartment.

 Things that could be replaced, like tooth brushes and body wash were left. Kalmin explained they already had stuff she could use. Although she did grab her female products, not knowing if her supposed-brothers had thought of that.

She led the way downstairs; she wasn't sure whether it's because Kalmin thought she would run of if he was in front or he just wanted to keep an eye on her. Either way she could feel his gaze and she stopped in front of Miss Nina's door.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, stopping beside her.

"Posting a quick note letting her know I won't be at the apartment." Cameron explained, posting the note she had wrote a few minutes prior through the letter box.

Kalmin shook his head, muttering incoherently under his breath. 

They walked down the three-flights of stairs, only passing two people. As they made it to the door, Kalmin grabbed hold of the handle at the top of the rucksack in her back. She turned to glance at him over her shoulder with a raised eyebrow.  He didn't acknowledge her questioning gaze, and tugged her through the double doors by the rucksack.

She mentally growled, now knowing how a dog felt when it got dragged by a lead. Kalmin didn't let go once they got outside, pulling her along towards a parking lot nearby. She stumbled over her feet a few times, much to Kalmin amusement (he didn't show it), as he tugged.

When they stopped, Cameron turned her questioning gaze to the older man. "A white van? Seriously? Could you look anymore like a kidnapper?"

"I'm not kidnapping you." Kalmin replied with annoyance.

"They don't know that." Cameron gestured to a group of people, who lived in the apartment building nearby, watching them suspiciously. She supposed it didn't help that he had been dragging her along like an sulking child.

Kalmin glared towards the group, who quickly scattered. He turned his gaze back to her. "Just get in the back."

Cameron rolled her eyes and gripped the handle, sliding it open.

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