41 | This Spells Trouble

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King's puffy rebellious eyes wanted to shut down on him. He slapped himself. He wanted to sleep. But given a chance, he'll just probably lay there in his bed, staring at the blank cream canvas in the ceiling until night creeps into his room. Just like what happened yesterday, the same reason as to why he was late for training today.

... Training.

King scratched his head, thinking he'd see that sunburned Dude again.

After finishing their last drill, King haunched to ground, regathering his energy. He rubbed his eyes and yawned. The clouds were a bit darker today, and they seemed to hang low in the sky. King took an involuntary whiff, smelling earth and compost hit his nose harder than usual.

Suddenly, his thoughts drew back to Zacharias again. Yes, that was what—or actually who—was bothering him until post-midnight hours.

King kept on analyzing something over and over again. It was the fact that he started harboring feelings for Zac—

King inwardly screamed and burrowed his head between his legs.

Don't be wronged; he didn't hate the thought. Call it embarrassment. King was also troubled by a couple of reasons, reasons that made and didn't make sense at the same time.

One, Zacharias is a werewolf. Not that it made an essential connection, but it was probably because Zach is an alpha—ruler of the pack, the top of the pyramid, the cream of the crop, the corps d'elite, and let's stop with that. Whoever will stand beside Zach would be just as important as he is. And King didn't fancy that, probably because he's normally laidback, and being plastered on the forehead with one of the highest responsibilities for a werefolk is a no-go. Plus, him maneuvering something is probably like rewinding Titanic. He might not crash into an iceberg, but pretty sure he'll crash into something similar. Something that'll possibly cause a foreboding imminent disaster. And that leads to King's last thought:

An alpha dating a guy is probably unfavorable to, if not all, maybe most of his members. Maybe. Or it could be a half. Or even a few.

King stared at the grass, spotting an earthworm who was minding its own business. It wiggled when he gently poked it with a small stick.

... Dating a guy, huh?

King propped his chin on his knees. Now that he thought about it, he didn't really fret about genders when it comes to dating. King is a free person. He didn't bother about others, or more like he just respected them for themselves. And he respected his. And King admits, he did found some guys cute. But is it because Zacharias was a bit different from his preference that he got conflicted before?

King poked the ground. Well, he likes Zach, that's the thing.

He stared at the same earthworm again. "... I am his mate, right?" He didn't really expect the worm to reply.

Before a small smile could take a peak on his lips, his eyebrows went first. King's brain did the screaming for him again, and he burrowed his face between his legs, pulling on his curls next.

Was he thinking of dating Zach? Yes, he was!

King slapped himself again. "This is so not like you, you freaking idio—"

"What the hell are you doing?"

The werecat froze. He blinked, and raised his head a bit, analyzing the dark flipflops and steel-toed feet right in front of him.


King slowly looked up with an automatically annoyed grimace, finding Kain, who was looking down at him with his handsome yet unamused, and still arrogant face.

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