She powered on her phone and as soon as she did that,  an avalanche of messages welcomed her, she stared down at her phone and clicked on the most important ones, starting with Phoebe's message.

'Hey Cass, don't forgot the game tonight ;) - 5:29

'I meant forget! Stupid autocorrect!!! - 5:29pm

'Cassie, it's seven and you aren't here yet! you're always the first to get here...I'm here early and I feel the need to go back home because you're not here, you know how much I hate being punctual' -7:00pm. Cassie laughed at that one before going on to read the next.

'Cassie I'm really worried now, did you get arrested or something? call me, biatch!'-7:33pm

'Cassie where the hell are you? Tyler needs you' -7:20

'You didn't make it, did something go wrong?, I'm worried call me'-9:00pm

And then finally she went to the hardest message to look at; Tyler's.

'Babe, you're gonna be at the game tonight, right?'-6:00pm.

'Babe, I need you, the game has almost started, you're on your way right?!-7:01pm

'Where are you Cassie, I need you' -7:45pm . She she knew that he was getting either really worried or upset at the time he sent that text. Tyler never called her Cassie, he always called her babe or any other term of endearment that came to his mind.

And then the final important message

'Babe, where are you? are you alright? Call me.'-9:20pm

After reading through all her text messages she noticed that she had a total of forty one missed calls from all her friends. 

"Shit!" she cursed out loud in her car. She knew for sure that she had a lot of explaining to do. She was not ready for all the questions they would throw her way. She encouraged herself by thinking that they for sure had to understand. It was the first game that she had missed, and she knew they had no right to crucify er for missing one game, even if it was one of the mot important games that Tyler had played so far.

It was a quiet ride to school, most of it Cassie spent trying to think of a clever excuse or lie because she had done it so much that it did not seem wrong to her anymore, to her, it was an easy way out of any difficult situation. Apart from being worried about what to tell her friends she was also worried about what excuse to give her English teacher. She wouldn't be able to bear the disappointment look Mrs. Williams would give her, English was her all time favourite subject and she had never failed to submit any assignment at the due date.  Apart from her dream of one day becoming a detective she also wanted to be a writer some day, and that why she loved English so much. She had dreamed to one day write a novel based off the unique cases that she would one day encounter.

She sat in her car for five more minutes to while away time. She knew that both Phoebe and Danny would be at their lockers which were beside Cassie's and she was not ready to face them. She would rather face the whole group together rather than having to explain the situation to every single one of them over and over again.

She could hear the school bell ring from where she was sat in her car, she sat there for thirty more seconds to give everyone time to go to their classes before stepping out. She stepped into the hallways and scanned it, absolutely no one was there, the coast was clear. Perfect, a smile crept on her lips as she made her way to English. She already had her books with her, luckily, and so she didn't need to pick them up from her locker.

THE THIRTEENTH DAY - BOOK 1Where stories live. Discover now