Chapter 17

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Aiden P.O.V

I'm Listening to music when I see that Mike is awake.



Mike:How you feeling.

Aiden:I'm fine but how are you.

Mike:I'm fine.

Aiden:Why are you in the hospital and don't lie to me.

Mike:Drug deal gone wrong that's all.

Aiden:*Stands up and raises her voice a little bit*Fuck you mean drug deal gone wrong.

Mike:It was just a problem with the drug deal that's all its all good now.

Aiden:*Yelling*Its not all good your a damn drug dealer you could of fucking died.

Mike:*Yelling*Well I didn't so why are you yelling at me.

Aiden*Yelling*Because your a motherfucking drug dealer.

I grab my stuff and storm out the room I was about to call Jayden but I don't have time for his bitching so I called Bryan.


Aiden:Hey can you pick me up from the hospital.

Bryan:Uh yeah sure.

Aiden:Thanks bye.

While I was waiting for Bryan to come Jayden pulled.

Jayden:Get in.

Aiden:Na I'm good.

Jayden:Come on now.

Aiden:Nigga no you don't own me I'm not your girl no more so I don't have to listen to you matter fact*Deletes his number out of her contacts*You've been deleted now go away.

All of a sudden Jayden gets out of the car and picks me up and puts me in the car.

Aiden:*Gives him dirty look*

Jayden:I need you to stop looking at me like that.


Jayden:What's your problem.

Aiden:You and everybody in this damn world.

Jayden:I'm sorry.

Aiden:For what.

Jayden:For breaking your heart.

Aiden:You didn't break my heart you just showed me the real you.

Jayden:But you know thats not the real me.

Aiden:I dont care if it was the real you other half of you or your twin just leave me alone.

I'm about to get out the car but then Jayden grabs me and kiss me.

Aiden:*Pulls away*Get off of me.

Jayden:Fine act like the bitch you are.

He made me so angry that I slapped the shit out of him and I knew it hurt because his cheeck was bright red.

Jayden:Get out of my car.

I get out of the car and he drives of. I cant stand him he just really sat there and called me a bitch now im beyond pissed.

Is This Love?*Completed*#Wattys2015Where stories live. Discover now