Chapter 9: The Mysterious Fox

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Chapter 9: The Mysterious Fox

Grace hunched over nearly falling to the ground. "Oh my goodness!" she huffed and puffed, "I can’t believe that just happened."

"Yeah that was a close one, Sheila." Jack replied.

Adam was running around like a madman. He was practically pulling out his hair. "How in the world are we going to beat that thing? I thought we were going to fight some giant animal or something but that thing…? He shot lightning out of his sword!"

Jack let out a long deep sigh. "I don’t know, mate."

They all bowed their heads and collapsed to the ground. They had just about given up all hope in saving this world until something mystifying happened.

Suddenly their surroundings were blurred by a white mist. Just when they thought all hope was lost, a hazy fog consumed the sky. It blanketed the woods and covered the trees.

"What’s going on?" Adam said as he trembled with fear. "I can't see a thing."

"Ya me neider," Knock replied, "but dats cuz me blind from the bee stings."

As the fog dissipated, the gang heard a strange noise. It sounded like humming.

"Oh no" Knock gasped, "Are dem bees me hear!?"

It didn't sound like bees. It sounded like it was humming from some person or thing. Then it went to a mysterious high pitched whistling. The fog became thinner and more diluted until it finally dissipated away.

Suddenly there in front of them revealed a little brown hut. There were carvings of all sorts of animals on the walls of the hut. The door was made of tree branches woven together like a basket. The hut resembled a giant tree trunk without the branches or the leaves. It was about ten feet wide by ten feet long. It was also quite short only standing about six feet tall. The door also wasn't that big. It looked impossible for anyone to live in there. Oddly, as they moved closer to the hut, they heard a voice singing a song from inside.

"Rim tim wadda yada bip bop dip doo," were the words it was singing in a playful cheery high pitched voice. "Room woot coom woot yadda rotta broom doop!"

"This is so weird!" Adam whispered to his sister.

The gang moved closer and peeked through the windows which were nothing more than small openings cut in the side of the hut. As they peeked inside, they couldn’t believe what they saw. It was enormous! There were cozy giant seats, a hammock, a comfy bed, an entire kitchen set with a table and chairs. There was a running shower and a beautiful hand carved wooden faucet. There was also a steel stove and it smelled like a pot of soup was cooking.

Standing in the corner stirring the pot of soup was a short old fox. Its fur was white as snow and it had a beard that came down to its feet. It had crazy hair that stood up on end.

The fox stood there hunched over a wooden cane with strange markings on it. Then the fox started scampering around singing, "Ra dee dah dah doo dee dah bum!" He was having a gay old time!

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