( zero ) prologue

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the beginning of the end

On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 43 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began.

Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible.

He got 7 of them.

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Number One.

Or Luther Hargreeves was the leader of the Umbrella Academy. The blonde was always the most loyal to Reginald. He was the last one to leave the house, beside Number Eight, but was sent to the moon by his father about four years ago.

He would take on mission after mission, hungry for more. He loved the adrenaline rush he would get when he was out on missions that helped his community.

He was obsessed with being a hero.

And that was his down fall.

Number Two

Or Diego Hargreeves is the resident asshole of the group. Always brooding, always trying to break everyones spirits. He hates Reginald. He grew up with speech problems, due to him being scared most of the time, and his father didn't do much to help him.

His childhood experiences causes him to grow sour and rude as a type of first defense.

When Diego left the house, he continued doing 'missions', but his own way. He went into the Police Academy, only to be let go after showing off his own methods. Since then, he works alone and takes care of criminal situations by himself.

Number Three

Or Allison Hargreeves is the star of the group, the most well known due to being a famous actress. She never got the attention she needed from her father and decided the only way to get the attention was to become a star.

She ended up getting married and having a child, only to get divorced a few years after. She lost custody of her child and hasn't been the same since.

She would do anything to get her daughter back, except use her powers.

Number Four

Or Klaus Hargreeves is the junkie. He is the probably the most unstable, turning to drugs and alcohol to contain the affects of his abilities.

Klaus is a weird one. With a very interesting fashion sense and witty humor, its hard not to chuckle when your around him.

Mostly because he's doing stupid stuff.

Once he left the academy, he started experimenting with tons of drugs, resulting in him constantly having to go to rehab. He doesn't really mind this though, as long as he can drown out the ghosts, he was fine.

Number Five

Five disappeared before he could get a name.

When he was thirteen, he ran away, wanting to time travel back in time to save his friend. His loss took a toll on the whole family. Reginald lost a son with great potential while the children lost one of their best friends.

He's been gone for 16 years, 4 months, and 14 days.

Number Six

Or Ben Hargreeves died on a mission. He was the sweetest of the group. He hated violence, but had the strongest offensive abilities.

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