Chapter 7

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I don't own the Vampire Diaries
(Except Cora and the messed up plotline)


~Time Skip To After The Lesson~

Cora rushed out of her classroom as soon as her teacher said the class could, wanting to get lunch quickly so she could leave earlier.

"Cora!" She heard her name being called but ignored it and joined the quickly growing lunch queue.

"Cora!" Jeremy arrived next to her, panting slightly, "Why did you run? Didn't you hear me calling you?"

"Sorry Jere" Cora said smiling guiltily, "I didn't mean to ignore you, I just wanted to get something to eat before I leave"

Jeremy frowned,
"What's the rush?"

Cora bit her lip, wondering if she should tell him.

"Next!" The lady behind the food counter called and Cora walked quickly over, mentally thanking her for getting her out of the awkward conversation.

"Just a cheese sandwich please" she asked and waited anxiously, tapping her foot. She just wanted to get the phone call over and done with, especially if it was a fake. But she really hoped it wasn't, she had gotten her hopes up and didn't really want them to come crashing down. Even more so because it's her actual family.
The lady passed over a freshly made sandwich and Cora gave her the correct change before hurrying off. She walked quickly down the corridor to her locker, eating the sandwich as she went. once she had reached it she put her code in and opened it, then took out her coat and put it on.

"Hey Cora"

A voice called and she looked up from doing her coat up.

"Oh hey Matt"

"You haven't seen Tyler have you?"

Cora cocked her head to the side in confusion,

"No, sorry, last time I saw him was this morning. He looked really angry over something."

Matt nodded but stayed quiet,

"Thanks all the same, see you later"

"You're welcome, bye Matt"

The blonde older boy walked off just as Cora finished doing her coat. She took her bag out of her locker and put all her books in before zipping it shut and swinging it over her shoulder, then heading down to her car. Once she had reached her car, Cora unlocked it and put her bag on the passenger seat before getting into the drivers seat and driving back home to the Gilberts' house.
As soon as she had parked her car, Cora grabbed her bag and rushed inside, hurriedly locking her car and unlocking and then locking the front door. She quickly ran up to her room and settled on her bed with her laptop and phone. The excited girl got up the specific website and typed the number to call into her phone before double checking she had got it right.
It was then that she paused, what if her family had given her away on purpose? Maybe they hadn't wanted her? What if they still didn't? Cora bit her lip in decisively, then took a deep breath and hit the call button. Letting her breath out, Cora put her phone to her ear and listened as there was a click and somebody picked up on the other end.

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