Chapter 11

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I don't own the Vampire Diaries
(Except Cora and the messed up plotline)


"Cora!" Elena shouted up the stairs, "Come with me to visit Stefan!"

The said girl rolled her eyes at the doppelganger's demands, but complied anyway, she might get some information on her family, "Coming Elena!"

She ran downstairs, pulled on her boots and headed out to her car,

"Where are you going?" Elena asked, "I'm driving."

Mentally facepalming, Cora nodded and got in Elena's car,

"Why are we visiting the Salvatores?" Cora asked curiously,

"You wanted to know all the secrets," Elena stated, "This is me letting you know them."

Cora rose an eyebrow, but stayed quiet for the rest of the journey until they pulled up outside the boarding house. She climbed out the car and waited behind Elena as she knocked on the door,

"Hello," Stefan greeted them, "Come on in."

Glancing around at everyone seated in the room, Cora took in the old-school decor, she smiled in appreciation, they had good taste for vampires.

"Hi," She waved, "I think you've got some explaining to do."

She was suddenly pinned against the wall by an angry Damon Salvatore,

"We don't have to explain anything to you, baby Gilbert, now shut up or I'll take a bite of that pretty neck of yours!"

To everyone's surprise Cora didn't look at him with fear, instead she looked rather amused by the elder Salvatore's attempt at intimidating her,

"Come now Damon," She said, having the audacity to laugh loudly, "That's no way to treat a guest, don't make me your enemy."

This time it was Damon who laughed, "My enemy? What are you going to do to me? Hug me to death?"

Cora snorted loudly, "I'm not revealing all of my secrets, but it wouldn't be just me you'd be making an enemy of, it would be my whole family."

Elena decided to chip in at that point, "Your whole family is made up of humans Cora, we won't be able to do anything."

Everyone turned to Elena and she preened at the attention, Cora sighed at her vanity and rolled her eyes,

"Your whole family is made up of humans Elena, they're not my family, you don't have any idea what-who my family are." She was surprised that no-one noticed her slip up, but she supposed luck was on her side. Elena jutted out her bottom lip and widened her eyes,

"But you're mine and Jeremy's sister Cora!"

Jeremy winced in the corner of the room, making Cora laugh loudly,

"Elena honey, you're no sister of mine, or did you forget that you left me bleeding on the roadside when you were rescued by your precious Salvatores?"

"I was recovering!" Elena claimed defensively as everyone regarded her with shock,

"You spent over 4 hours in your room with Stefan doing things I did not want to hear, instead of worrying about your 'sister' who received a large head wound and was lying unconcious where you were kidnapped."

Damon chuckled at that, but stopped when Elena sent him a look, Cora sighed in exasperation, Elena had everyone wrapped around her finger, she really was Katherine 2.0 never mind how much she tried to deny it.

"So," Cora said, crossing her arms, "What have you lot been hiding from me?"

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