Chapter 13

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I don't own the Vampire Diaries

(Except Cora and the messed up plotline)


Gazing up at the ceiling as she lay on her bed, Cora absentmindedly played with her hands, thinking about what she could do to help her siblings. She yelped in surprise as she suddenly felt a shock run through her fingers,

"What the heck?" She murmured, looking at her hands in confusion, "How odd.."

She resumed her twirling and fiddling of hands and watched as sparks appeared between her fingers,

"Oh!" She gasped, "Maybe my magic is acting up?"

Cora quickly reached for her phone but her fingers sparked again and it short-circuited, causing Cora to nearly fall off her bed in shock,

"What is happening!?" She asked herself, gaping at the burn marks on her phone, "This can't be down to me being a witch, no-one has these kooky powers... and I can't even ask Elijah why this is happening to me, Bonnie would just use me like a toy, like her ancestor did, as would Elena, Jeremy would definitely not understand and would make it an excuse to see Bonnie. The Salvatore brothers may be able to help, but do I trust them with this or not?"

Cora bit her lip unsurely, out of the two brother Damon was probably her favourite Stefan was too broody and would never go against Elena's wishes, so actually, that was Stefan out immediately, he'd just tell Elena and everything would go down the drain. But who was to say that Damon wouldn't?

"Urgh!" Cora groaned and fell back on her bed, "This would have been a lot better if ELENA hadn't gone and DAGGERED ELIJAH for no reason other than the fact that he wasn't falling at her feet, I mean HELLO? Katherine 2.0 anyone???"

She suddenly had an epiphany, Elijah's witches were still alive and living close by, they wouldn't have left considering their daughter was with Klaus and Elijah was their best bet at getting her back. She hurried out of her room, grabbing her ruined phone as she went so Elena couldn't find it and ask questions, and headed out the door to find the witches.

Cora headed to the park first, it was in the centre of the town and hopefully someone she knew was there that she could ask whether they knew where the Martins lived. Once she walked through the gate she sighed in exasperation, of course the only person she knew there would be Bonnie, who most definitely would know where the Martins lived considering all her drama with the son. Cora stood still for a few minutes, pondering if the drama that would result from her question was worth it, eventually deciding that yes, it was worth it, she didn't want to cause more damage than she already had, Cora started dragging her feet over to where Bonnie was sitting on her phone.

"Bonnie," Cora said politely, "Do you happen to know where the Martins live?"

She watched as emotions flickered across Bonnie's face, annoyance, surprise, guilt and confusion,

"Yes," the witch replied slowly, "Why do you want to know where they live?"

Cora hunched over slightly and shuffled her feet awkwardly, "Oh.. um I just - I wanted to welcome them to town, I haven't had the time recently with all my schoolwork and well - I saw Luka the other day, he's pretty cute." She blushed for emphasis and twirled a strand of her hair shyly, "Could you give me their address please?"

Bonnie snorted quietly, clearly not expecting Cora to hear her, causing Cora to bite her tongue slightly to hold back a biting comment, instead she smiled sweetly at the Bennett witch and waited 'patiently' as Bonnie gave her the address she was seeking. As Cora walked away from the park, she smirked to herself,

"Clearly I take after Rebekah in the acting department," She giggled quietly, "She always was an amazing actress"

Once she was away from the park she began heading towards the Martins house as quickly as she could without raising any suspicion, it wasn't very far away so she was soon standing outside their front door unsurely,

"The worst thing they could do is turn me away," Cora said to herself, trying to boost her own confidence, "And if Elijah was with them, they must be at least honourable."

Taking a reassuring breath, Cora stepped onto their doorstep and knocked thrice on their door, before stepping back and waiting anxiously.

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