Chapter 3

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I don't own the Vampire Diaries
(Except Cora and the messed up plot line)


~Modern Day~

Miranda Gilbert looked over at her husband, asking with her eyes if they should adopt Cora,

"Cora, sweetie," Grayson said and Cora looked at him, "I am Grayson Gilbert, this is my wife Miranda, and my brother John. Now, do you want to come home with us? We have a daughter and a son who are just a bit older than you, I am sure you'll all get along."

Cora looked up at him before nodding,

"Yes please," she said quietly, "I have siblings" she added randomly and John smiled gently at her,

"What were their names?"

"My brothers were Finn, Elijah, Niklaus and Kol, there was also Henrik, but he was killed by the wolves, and then there's my sister Rebekah."

As Cora talked about her siblings, John noticed that she sounded and looked happier, a twinkle also came into her eyes and a smile on to her face, in all, he noticed that she loved her family dearly. Miranda smiled softly at the fatherly way John was treating Cora, he wasn't so bad, she realised, he should have kept Elena, he would have made a great father. Cora began chatting to John about her family non-stop, it seemed they had found a subject that she loved talking about.

As they were walking down the road Cora looked up at John and raised her arms,

"Can you carry me please?" she asked politely and John smiled,

"Of course sweetie, jump up." and Cora leapt into his arms. Miranda and Grayson shared knowing smiles, they would be seeing a lot more of John if Cora was going to be staying with them.

~Time Skip~

"Elena! Jeremy! Jenna!" Miranda called as they walked into the house, soon footsteps could be heard and a young brunette girl flung herself into her mother's arms, just as a dark-haired boy did to his dad, the two adults laughed and hugged the children. A blonde-haired woman walked into the room and everyone smiled at her,

"Hello Jenna" John greeted her and she ignored him, causing Miranda to chuckle at her sister's stubborness,

"Thanks for looking after Elena and Jeremy, Jenna" she smiled, and Jenna grinned at her,

"No problem," she returned before turning towards John and Cora, "Now is anyone going to tell me who this little lady is?"

Cora wiggled out of John's arms and skipped over to Jenna,

"Hi!" she smiled brightly and held out her hand, "I am Cora Mikaelson, and you are very pretty!"

Jenna laughed and shook the five-year olds hand,

"I'm Jenna Sommers, thank you Cora, you are very pretty too, it's nice to meet you"

Cora beamed at her,

"The pleasure's all mine"

Jenna rose an eyebrow, but didn't comment on the young girls formal speech, Cora looked over to Elena and Jeremy who were watching her curiously,

"Hello!" she grinned and they smiled back at her, "I am Cora!"

Elena made her way over to Cora and Jeremy followed closely behind,

"Hi Cora, I'm Elena."

"And I'm Jeremy!"

Cora giggled and Elena hugged her,

"We're going to be great friends," Cora said to the two of them, and the adults shared glances, smiling.

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