Chapter 18: Swear to be overdramatic and true to my Lover

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(I'm gonna clear something up just so you guys aren't confused, each part of this chapter and maybe the last few chapters are of Peter having an internal discussion with himself. He's not saying anything out loud but he's thinking, so the underlined text is his conscious and the italic is just him thinking. I hope that makes sense. He's basically having a conversation with himself.)

I apologize if I confused any of you guys, anyway on with the story!

Peter sat in his Home Economics class unable to focus on the lesson written on the board. Good thing he has his notes for this class otherwise he'd be toast.

He's supposed to be thinking about studying, but he's thinking about something else. You mean someone, it's always oh MJ this, and MJ that.

Would you shut up already?! God, you're giving me a headache! I can't believe I'm having an inner conflict with myself.

But MJ is so amazing and smart and so pretty. She probably wouldn't like me saying stuff about her looks, I absolutely love her personality. She's hilarious. Anything she says is pretty much funny. He thought.

After Home Economics Peter moved to different classes. But his mind still wouldn't actually let him concentrate, it always went back to MJ he couldn't stop thinking about her. He was so distracted, once he would leave math class and head to lunch he would need to immediately find Ned.

Yeah, find him and tell him you're hopelessly in love with a girl who's way out of your league!

You're one to talk! I feel like I'm literally going insane! Maybe I should talk to Mr. Stark.

Sure... so you could just waltz right up to him and say; "Hey Mr. Stark could you put me in an insane asylum?"

Why are you acting so condescending? What did I do to you?

Well, you started becoming a hormonal teenager for starters.

What the heck?!

Stop talking to yourself and go find your friend dingus!

Peter shook his head and left math class and started walking to the cafeteria. Apparently he was not in the right state of mind considering he was arguing with himself not even five seconds ago.

He walked into the cafeteria and scanned the room seeing Ned with Betty, he speedily walked to the table and Ned saw him. "Hey man, what's up?" He asked.

Oh, just y'know a normal Tuesday with me being hopelessly in love with my best friend that's "What's up".

Would you just shut up my god I hate you!

Wow, hating on your own think tank how sweet, suck it up nerd I'm gonna be with you for the rest of life.

I swear to god. "I need to uh talk to you, Ned, alone." Peter said.

"Yeah, sure. Betty I'll be back." Ned got up from his seat and followed Peter out to the hallway. He could tell Peter was antsy and jittery.

So something was definitely up, "Alright Peter are you okay?"

It took exactly one single millisecond for Peter to crack and spill over every word he's been thinking the first moment he opened his eyes that morning.

"I cannot stop thinking about MJ no matter how hard I try not, Ned it's eating me alive that I haven't told her how I feel. To the point I'm arguing with myself inside my own gosh darn brain!" Peter finally exhaled, he kept all of that somewhat on the down low.

ℒ𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 𝒜 𝒮𝓅𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓎𝒸𝒽𝑒𝓁𝓁𝑒 𝒜𝒰 Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя