Icon 34

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 You can tell a lot about a man by how he is with his kids..... that's probably one of the reasons I was walking around with facepaint looking like Homo the Tiger, but Jordan was having a blast and for me that was all that matter. At least I didn't have to get the clown facepaint like Qwantay, or the mouse, like Qwaneisha.... that's where I draw that line; speaking of Qwaneisha she definitely wasn't feeling me and Qwantay at the moment, because what Jordan wanted he got and she felt like we were going to spoil him. She was right of course, my son deserved the world and he was a good kid so I had no problem spoiling him; hopefully, she'll let us keep him overnight, so far she's insisted that she take him back to the hotel with her but Jordan needed to get used to being around me and Qwantay, especially since we'd be taking him pretty soon. One thing that had been bothering me was the fact that I hadn't heard from Epic or Legend, I know regardless of what we were going through if they knew they had a nephew they'd want to see him.... hell my mom hasn't stopped gushing since she met him and my dad was over the moon about his grandson.... but so far nothing from Epic or Legend and that shyt had me nervous.

"So what's the plan after we leave here?" Qwaneisha asked and I looked at Qwantay, it was still pretty early in the day though it was getting colder by the minute and I didn't want Jordan out in this shyt.

"Don't we gotta take him to see your cousin Zaire? I know he'll want to see him and then your mom wants to see him again so I guess we'll do that and then we'll take him back to the house." Qwantay said though Qwaneishe looked slightly uncomfortable. "Come on Neisha we put all this work in building that new bed for him.... the least you could do is let him sleep in that muthafucker at least once." Qwantay said.

"Okay.... but.... okay." Qwaniesha said finally relenting. "Let me go get him out that damn playhouse which should take about an hour." She said walking off and I turned to Qwantay who was watching his twin sister.

"What'chu thinkin' about?" I asked and he shrugged. "Probably thinking about Legend and how your life would've been if y'all stayed together." I said and though my voice was playful I really wanted to hear what he had to say.

"Icon I don't feel anything for that nigga.... I would think he'd be proof of that." Qwantay said pointing to Jordan who was begging to go back in the playhouse one more time.

"You always use him as an excuse as to why you're with me? So you're saying that if he wasn't born then you'd be back with Legend?" I asked looking at him and Qwantay turned and faced me.

"I don't use Jordan as 'an excuse' the reason I bring up Jordan whenever you bring up your punk ass brother is because I need to remind you how invested in this relationship I am.... I take fatherhood EXTREMELY seriously, I wouldn't have brought a child into this world if I wasn't in love with the person I was with. Jordan is living proof of my feeling FOR YOU! I don't think about that nigga.... while I understand why you'd think that because of how I act around that nigga and that's my fault. But I promise I don't have any feeling for Legend...." Qwantay said looking into my eyes.

"Maybe Philly was right... and we should at least... y'know talk to that nigga. I'm not saying we gotta apologize but at the very least we need to clear the air." I said and Qwantay shrugged. "Do you regret how we got together?" I asked holding his gaze.

"There's not a single second I regret getting with you.... me and Legend were fuckin toxic together, neither one of us were happy and we were making each other miserable..... but if you wanna talk to that nigga then we can do that but the first time he says some slick shyt......" Qwantay said smiling.

"Aight I'll stop bringing that nigga up whenever we get into an argument.... as long as you promise to stop using Jordan as a shield." I said and Qwantay rolled his eyes. "I'm serious you can't keep doing that shyt."

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