Jerú 54

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Call it what you want; a stroke of luck, divine intervention, happy coincidence, or plot armor... whatever it was I was thankful because I just knew that nigga was going to kill me but the nigga he hit over the head with the bottle recovered faster than he realized and bit the fuck outta Kooda's leg. I wasn't one of those dumb ass niggas who was too prideful to run so I pulled up my pants and pulled a Jimmy Neutron up outta there, I ducked through the crowds of people and hit the emergency exit, and started looking around for my cousin. Even though me and Carter just reconnected, I felt protective of that nigga... he was my family and he had already been through enough. I heard the sirens, I saw the flashing lights, I even heard more gunshots coming from inside, but none of that registered I had a single-minded focus to find my cousin. Finally, after looking all throughout the parking lot, I spotted Carter pulling Xion through the cars and I ran after them. Now that I could start to relax, I started thinking about what I was going to do when I caught Kooda's ass slippin; we had been beefin for a while ever since 'that' night and I knew it was only going to get worse from here especially when Legend found out.

"Ayy y'all good?" I asked doing a quick head count and seeing that all four of them were together made my heart rate return to normal. "Look I'm about to get the fuck outta here because I know it's going to get crazier, this was just round one and I already know some more shyt is going to go down...." I said dappin up Fat Daddy, Xion, and Romeraux but hugging Carter.

"We can link later this week, just swing by the group home so we can talk some more." Carter said turning his head at the sound of more gunshots going off in the distance. "Yeah, let me get the fuck outta here because I've already had one run-in with the cops and I'm not eager to have a repeat." He said and I waited until they were pulling off before walking back to Legend's car casually so I didn't draw attention to myself, even though I didn't so shyt, I was black which automatically made me a suspect.

"RÚ ARE YOU OKAY?!?!?!?!" Legend asked when I got in the car and returned his call, this nigga sounded like he was about to have a heart attack and I felt guilty for making him worry, but damn the shyt just happened so the fact that he knew let me know the word was spreading quickly, which meant I really needed to get home.

"I'm fine I'm heading back now, I'll tell you everything when I get there." I said hanging up because I knew if I stayed on the phone I would break because it was just starting to hit me how close I was to death. The ride back to the house I thought about where me and Kooda's beef started.... while it was true that I've always been Team Legend and he's always been on Epic's nuts, we used to be coo that it until weed and liquor got mixed with feelings.......

"Ayy who that?" I asked one night at this kickback we were both at, Kooda had shown up with his cousin and a few other dudes and since we were 'coo' I figured I asked who one of the dudes he came with was.

"Off limits.... that's my boy's little bro.... before he died I promised to look after him and that means protecting him from niggas like you." Kooda said smirking, he knew I was a proud hoe, who ran through niggas so he knew I was asking for a reason.

"I was just asking..... but I'm about head to the back to smoke, you trying to come?" I asked and Kooda shook his head and turned his attention to this brown-skinned chick that was eye fuckin him. To make a long story short, me and the dude ended up in the same room smoking and drinking somehow my pants ended up around my ankles and my nuts were smacking his chin when Kooda walked in on us.

"MAN WHAT THE FUCK!!?!?!?" Kooda yelled trying to swing on me but I rocked his shyt and dipped because I was outnumbered. A couple days later I found out the truth, Kooda was lookin after his boy's brother, but also fuckin him... in fact, that was the reason his boy was dead; he had found out that Kooda was fuckin his brother and flipped, the story goes that Kooda killed him and blamed it on The Lawsons which was an easy sale because they were at war at the time. But since that nigga he hasn't fucked with me and I truthfully I didn't respect that snake shyt he pulled so now whenever we see each other I was trying to fight and he was trying to shoot........

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