Chris 18

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I know one thing I'll never do again and that's drive three hours, sit in the middle of a blizzard, and watch a football game where the score was 3-3 in the fourth quarter.... I was cold as fuck, I wasn't enjoying myself, and I wanted to drink. My boy Legend seemed comfortable, but then again he had Cody keeping him warm; I sat there watching the clock and just as I was about to let Legend know I was going to the car his cousin Tion made this amazing ass catch before running down the field so fast snow was that he looked like a blur. The game was pretty much over after that and I wanted to get away from these crazy ass white people who were mad The Browns lost... but they should be used to that if we're being honest. As people started leaving I thought about Darnell, why I was thinking about him I don't know... true he was sexy ass fuck and I had a thing for brown-skinned dudes.... but I barely knew that nigga, I met him all of three times and yet the look in his eyes last night seemed to be engrained in my memory.... I was just going to chalk it up to the fact that it had been a couple of months since I had sex and the fact that I was horny.

"Man it's colder than a bitch....." Legend said as we walked out the stadium with his arm wrapped around Cody. "Remind me again why I agreed to this?" Legend seemed to ask no one in particular.

"Because you're a fuckin nutcase." I said laughing and Legend smirked, I was just about to ask him if he remembers that 12 mile Ruck March that me, him, and Holloway went on but this dark-skinned dude bumped into me. "Excuse you...." I said getting irritated.

"Oh.... my bad, I didn't see you there lil'fella." He said stepping towards me and within seconds Legend was at my side and I knew he was ready to swing.

"Epic get your boy...." A man said from behind me and I turned to see Legend's dad walking with his older brother Epic. The dude that bumped into me stared at Epic for a second before throwing his hands up as Epic moved to stare down his little brother. "I already told y'all...." Mr. Hayes warned and Epic smiled, this dude was massive but I wasn't afraid of no man because I've dealt with worse than him. "Wassup Chris I didn't know you were in town. Sup Cody." Mr. Hayes said shaking my hand and nodding to Cody who he had met before the game, while I was getting our seats.

"Yes sir, I'm actually moving up here." I said smiling politely while also noticing that while Epic was staring at Legend, his boy was staring at Cody with a sense of cruel interest. "I just got up here yesterday and Legend kinda forced me to come with him." I said surveying the scene.

"Well that's good, Legend needs more positive people around him.... hopefully I'll see you at dinner where we can talk some more." He said and I nodded, Mr. Hayes put his hand on Epic's shoulder and steered him away from us and I could tell Legend was pissed.

"Come on let's get to the car before my dick freezes off." I said and Legend nodded. "You good bro?" I asked once we were back in the car with the heat all the way up.

"Yeah I just.... yeah I'm good, did y'all enjoy yourselves?" Legend asked quickly changing the subject, me and Cody both said no at the same time and Legend laughed. "Yeah it was kinda a boring game, but I had to come and show my cousin some support. Let's get to this damn restaurant so we can get something to eat before we hit the road." Legend said starting his car and I knew he was bothered but I knew he wouldn't say anything in front of Cody so I'd just have to ask him later.

We arrived at the restaurant and most of Legend's cousins were here, I knew them from the few times I had come up here to visit him in the past, his brother Epic seemed to be the only one not happy to see Legend here. We sat at the far end of the table away from Epic and we were waiting for Tion to get here so we could order, Legend was whispering to Cody quietly and as far as I knew Cody was only the third dude Legend had brought around his family, the first two being Qwantay and Bourne..... maybe and hopefully the third time was the charm, but Legend seemed extremely happy with Cody, happier than I've seen him in a while.

"Ayy Chris you trying to smoke?" Legend asked and he knew full well I didn't smoke, so I figured he wanted to talk so I got up from the table and followed him outside.... I was really starting to regret my decision to move to Ohio because I don't think I could deal with the cold.

"You sure your boy is going to be okay in there with your family alone?" I asked and Legend nodded.

"Yeah my pops is in there and he'll stop them from getting too ignorant, and Tiana loves him.... although she's not the best judge of character." Legend said smirking. "But I needed to come out here because Epic was starting to annoy me and I needed to recenter myself before he ended up with a fork in his thick ass neck. When do you wanna start looking for a house? I got some business to handle in a few weeks and I wanna make sure you're settled in before I leave." Legend said.

"Whenever you want... but if it's possible I want somewhere close to y'all just in case I need to come help you out again....." I said and Legend started to thank me but I stopped him, he was my brother and I didn't want his thanks. "If you really wanna thank me, you can tell me what Darnell's deal is...." I said looking away.

"Let me found out you're feeling my boy." Legend said laughing. "But I'm not getting involved in that..... because if something goes wrong I don't want the blame placed on me; what I can tell you is he's a good ass nigga... loyal, about his business, he's a top but he's not opposed to being vers if the..... time calls for it." Legend said.

"Y'all didn't....." I asked and Legend shook his head.

"Nah, we've tag teamed a few niggas together but other than that... that's way too messy, I can't be fuckin the niggas I live with. But you should talk to him... he's not the friendliest dude but who knows... stranger things have happened and maybe you can be the one who brings out his happy side." Legend said.

"I'm not going to lie he's sexy but.... you know with my past it's hard for me to open up to people." I said and Legend nodded. "But when me and Darnell talked last night, I'd be lying if I were to say I didn't feel something when he was lookin at me." I said and Legend started laughing. "What's so funny?" I asked

"Something is there.... because I know you sleep naked and since D-Man's horny ass didn't try anything. I'll tell you this much, you and D have differing opinions when it comes to sex... that all I'm going to say and after this I'm staying out of it, but maybe y'all can find a balance between y'alls views and it'll all work out for the best.... Let's get back inside...." Legend said and we walked back into the restaurant.

We finished our meal and by the end of the night, Cody was the center of attention... everyone in Legend's family seemed to love him and I could see Legend falling deeper into that pit called love. Tion was invited, me, Legend, and Cody to his boyfriend's concert in a few months and though I wasn't a big concert nigga, I refused to pass up the opportunity to meet Lafayette's fine ass.

"Ayy I'm about to hit the latrine...." I said and Legend nodded, I walked to the bathroom and as I was washing my hands, the door opened and Epic stepped inside.

"Chris right? I noticed Legend saying something about you moving up here... well any friend of Legend's is a friend of mine and I have this little private security company, the pay is great with full benefits.... if you're interested here's my card." Epic said and I took the card but I had no intention of using it because I refused to get caught up in this family argument. "I'm always on the lookout for more killers and if half the stories Legend has told me were true then you don't even need to apply."

"Uhh... thanks, I'll look into that." I said and Epic walked into one of the stalls and I quickly walked out the restroom and handed Legend the card. "Your brother just offered me a job." I said and Legend shook his head.

"You're a grown man.... I'm not going to tell you to turn it down, maybe you can get Epic to realize that I didn't have anything to do with......" BUMP! Me and Legend had turned and Cody had smacked his head on the bench that he was sitting on, he was out cold, snoring lightly and Legend smirked. "Come on, let's get this dude to the car." Legend said scooping Cody up in his arms and walking out of the restaurant. The ride back to Columbus was pretty quick and when we got back to the house Legend carried Cody upstairs and I sat on the couch, today... despite the cold was actually pretty fun. I guess I could get use to the cold and besides there were more positive things about living up here than negatives... now if I could just find the courage to start talking to Darnell then it would make my decision that much better.........

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who should get the next two chapters; Epic, Murda, or Frenchie?

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