Open Discussion

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I can't begin to describe just how much I enjoyed working on this story, while I have a unique bond with all the characters I've created something about these characters, this story, and everything else just felt different. I wanna thank everyone who has taken the time out to read this story, y'all really seemed invested in the characters and I think this has been one of my most popular stories to date and that's because of the engagement I've received from y'all so from the bottom of my heart THANK Y'ALL!!!! As always with these stories, I like to end on an Open Discussion, but I wanna switch it up this time.... I'm still going to ask questions but I want y'all to save your IN-DEPTH analysis for Group Discussions that will be posted right after this. One final note, I plan on posting the other nine chapters either tomorrow or Thursday so be on the lookout for those as well......

****** QUESTIONS ******

1) Who do you think was the BEST character(s)?

2) Who do you think was the WORST character(s)?

3) Which CHARACTER(s) do you wanna see more development from in Part 2?

4) Which was your FAVORITE relationship?

5) What was the STRONGEST relationship?

6) What was the WEAKEST relationship?

7) Which RELATIONSHIP(s) do you wanna see more development from in Part 2?

8) Who was the FUNNIEST character(s)?

9) Who was the FREAKIEST character(s)?

10) Is there ANY POVs you would like to see in the future?

11) What did you LIKE about this story?

12) What can I do to make Part 2 better?

13) If you could have a threesome with any TWO characters which two would you choose?

14) Who were your Top 5 favorite characters? IN ORDER!!!

15) Is there anything you'd like to see happen in Part 2?

16) Now that Ruthless is finished (for now) which story do y'all want to take its place in the lineup; Defender, Hayes, Their Bottom 2, The Kingpin's Sons, Zeltemi, or Demon's Revenge? PICK ONE!!!!

RuthlessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora