Darnell 103

993 81 51

These last few weeks have been crazy, it seemed like every day there was something on the news that pissed me the fuck off; from that 'gas leak' that left seventeen people dead, to the multiple shootouts that's been happening every night, the multiple riots that were bleeding into schools, and most recently the three men who were found decapitated outside of Epic's building... it was just a lot. The city seemed to be on the brink of civil war and the craziest part was no one seemed to care..... like this shyt was just supposed to be normal. Of course, the mayor came out and condemned the violence and swore to take action against the people responsible and I would've taken him seriously had Yaseem not been standing in the background of the press conference.... this shyt was getting out of hand and I just wanted my brothers to stay safe and stay out of the drama. That's part of the reason I felt so bad about leaving but I had already promised Chris that I would help him move the rest of his stuff up here and I didn't want to go back on my word. Things between me and Chris were.... weird, that's the only way I could describe it, like when it was just us... it felt like we were the only two people in the world but if someone else was around.... like I knew he was talking to another nigga because he told me, and I had never been the type to get jealous but.... I just.... it felt like someone was stealing my friend from me.


"All I'm saying is that you spend entirely too much money on takeout.... that's why I've prepped some meals for you while I'm gone, they're in the fridge labeled with date and times... I'm sure you can follow simple instructions." I said shaking my head.

"Okay, mom....." Jizzle said sarcastically, how was I the bad guy in this situation when he came to me asking to help him get his 'summer body' together? "BRO QUIT EATIN THEM SHYTS!!!!" Jizzle screeched as I placed another black jellybean in my mouth.

"I stand by these, I'll go to war over them.... you're just going to have to be mad." I said shrugging. "Look I gotta go meet up with Chris; Legend your papers are on the coffee table, Jizzle follow that fuckin meal plan, Rú don't forget to put your homework in your bookbag.... Murda... remember what we talked about." I said getting up from the table, like every morning there was a lot of movement and I was the one always making sure everyone had their shyt together but with me leaving for two weeks, they were going to have to survive on their own.

"What are we going to do without you." Legend said kissing me on the cheek playfully. "You might come back and the house will have been burned to the ground." He said laughing and I shook my head and started heading towards the door. "Have fun with Chris...." Legend said giving me a knowing wink and I shook my head again, that nigga Legend was relentless... see he's been under the delusion that something was going to happen between me and Chris on this trip but I didn't think so.... Chris was my boy....... my boy who I've showered with, slept in the same bed with (naked), and sure we've kissed a few times but.... we're just friends.

"Damn I was just about to come get you, you parking your car over here?" He asked.

"I thought the plan was for us to take my F250?" I asked, it was hard for me not to notice that big ass moving truck parked in front of Chris's house so I was confused as to what our official driving arrangement was going to be.

"Nah.... we're taking that truck. You would know that if you actually paid attention to what I've been saying." Chris said pushing me playfully. "Come on let's hit the road, I wanna get out of town before rush hour starts, though it shouldn't be too bad leaving the city." Chris said grabbing two big ass bags. Once we had everything we were taking in the moving truck, we got on the road, and as always the conversation just flowed naturally.

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