New Home (Rini week #2 5)

Start from the beginning

He led her to their bedroom and helped her into bed. He got her a small trash can and placed it next to her side of the bed, in case she needed to get sick again. While he was doing that Nini fell asleep. He gave her another kiss on her forehead and went back to working on painting the guest room.

When Nini woke up the next day she felt fine. The disiness was gone and the feeling of needing to throw up was gone as well.

She rolled over to see Ricky laying next to her. "Hey you feeling better today" he said rubbing his thumb over her shoulder. "Yeah, I feel perfectly fine" she smiled.

And she was perfectly fine until the next day.

The next day she woke up at 3 am and felt sick yet again. When she woke up she didn't even have time to look at her husband. She immediately jumped out of bed and ran to their bathroom.

Ricky felt the sudden movement and noticed that Nini had run back to the bathroom again, and went to go help her. "Sick again" he asked as he walked into the bathroom, seeing her with her head in the toilet. "Obviously" she snapped.

Ricky was taken aback at her sudden attitude, but still went to comfort her. "It's okay, you're going to be okay" he said.   

"I'm meant to get my period today, so it's probably just that," Nini said as she laid back in their bed. Ricky didn't say anything he just laid down next to her, wrapping an arm loosely around her waist then both falling back to sleep.

Ricky made Nini stay in bed that day. She kept insisting that she felt fine, but Ricky thought it was better to be safe than sorry.

Ricky did the work he needed to do on the house. And then left the house to go get Nini some soup. While he was gone Nini felt that nauseous feeling again.

When Ricky came home he found Nini, yet again, throwing up in the toilet.

When Ricky was woken up, once again, in the middle of the night by Nini getting up to throw up he decided to take her to the doctor, because he knew this wasn't normal.

The doctor did many tests but only one can back positive. "Congratulations," the doctor said when he came back into the room the couple was in. Nini and Ricky were very confused by this. What diagnosis warrants a congratulations.

"Your pregnant" he said. Nini's eyes went wide and she looked at Ricky. "Here are the numbers of a few good ob gyns that I recommend. I'll see you next time for your annual check up." her doctor said leaving the room.

Nini and Ricky didn't say anything to each other as they left. They were both trying to comprehend the news they were given.

"Can we talk'' Ricky asked when they got back to their house. "I know we haven't talked about kids since we got married, and you used to always say you wanted to wait to have kids until you were 26 and you're only 23 so if you're not ready for kids I understand that. You're the one that usually has to go through the pregnancy, so it's your decision. But I'm going to be with you every step of the way no matter what."

Nini was still silent but walked up to him and hugged him. "When did you become so perfect" she whispered, tears starting to fall down her face. "Let me think a little and I'll let you know" she said into his chest. "Take all the time you need"

"I'm ready," Nini said as the two were laying in bed getting ready to go to sleep. Ricky gave her a questioning look. "I'm ready to do this. I'm ready to have this kid. I'm ready to start a family with you. I'm ready for all of it" she said, looking him in the eyes.

Ricky hugged her. "I was hoping you were going to choose that but I didn't want to pressure you into anything." he said, holding her close. "My question still stands, when did you become so perfect" she said resting her head on his chest drifting off to sleep.

A few weeks later they told all their friends about the pregnancy. Ricky insisted on Nini stopping doing the work on fixing up the house so all of their friends offered to help with the house and with keeping Nini company.

They decided to have a gender reveal party at their house when it was almost completed. Everyone came dressed in either pink or blue, whatever they thought the gender would be. The party went well and there were cupcakes and cookies which had been Nini's main pregnancy craving. They mingled around until it was finally time to reveal the gender.

"So what we have here is a cardboard box filled with balloons. The balloons are going to be either pink or blue and that's the gender of the baby" Ricky explained the box was labeled with a sign that said baby on it. "Ready" Nini said looking at him, and he nodded. "3, 2, 1" she said and opened the box. The balloons were blue which meant they were having a boy.

This wasn't a surprise to Ricky and Nini because they already knew because they were that ones that packed the boxes but they loved seeing everyone's reaction. Everyone that guessed blue was happy that they guessed right and everyone that guessed a girl was still happy for them.

"But there's one mor thing in this box" Ricky announced pulling out yet another box just slightly smaller than the first that was labeled baby #2, and everyone went crazy. When they opened that box it was a pink balloon that came out.

Everyone was so happy for them. They got one of each.

At first delivery was a lot easier than she thought it was going to be. Yes it was difficult, and yes it hurt like hell but it wasn't as bad as everyone told her it would be since she was delivering two.

"Okay the second ones almost here" The person delivering her babies said. "Wait, I have to do that all again," she said. The doctor laughed but she was being completely serious. Maybe it was going to be as bad as she thought it would be.

But once she was handed her two little kids all the pain she had just felt slipped away. Because she was holding two people that she helped create with the love of her life standing next to her.


I am so so sorry about the delay. If you didn't know my power went out on Monday because we had tropical wind in the midwest and there was over 80 mile an hour winds. I just got my power back on yesterday. Rini week is hopefully continuing as normal, so i'll see you guys tomorrow.

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