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"Hey Kourt can I come over after rehearsal tonight? There's something I need to talk to you about" Nini said at lunch. It was fairly normal for Nini to go over to Kourtney's house on Friday nights so it didn't surprise Kourtney when she asked.

"Sure" Kourtney said as the bell rang.

After rehearsal Nini said goodbye to her boyfriend and followed Kourtney back to her house.

When they got to her house they went straight to Kourtney's bedroom. "So you said you wanted to talk to me" Kourtney said, sitting on her bed.

Nini took a seat next to her. "Ricky and I are getting married tomorrow"


"Ricky and I are getting married tomorrow"


"You heard me, Ricky and I are getting married tomorrow. We're going to the courthouse and I want you to be there. No one else knows"

Kourtney couldn't wrap her head around what her friend was saying. "Why are you going to the courthouse? Why aren't you telling your moms? Or Mike? Or literally anyone else- oh my god! You're pregnant!"

"I'm not pregnant, I promise, and they just wouldn't understand. Ricky and I don't want a big fancy wedding. The wedding isn't what I care about. The marriage part is what matters. The only thing that is important to us is the fact that we get to be together for the rest of our lives. This is for us and we're ready for it"

"Nini, this is crazy. You're only eighteen and in case you don't remember your both still in high school. Why now"

Nini nodded, "I know, but you have to understand Ricky and I have talked about this. We've planned our future and we want it to start as soon as possible. We don't expect anyone to understand or even support our decision but we don't care. We're getting married for us because we know it's what is best for us, but your my best friend and I want you by my side on the day I marry the love of my life just like how I'll be by your side when you get married"

"I'll be there"

When they got to the courthouse the next morning there was a lot of paperwork for them to fill out. Nini and Ricky both had to show copies of their birth certificates and their social security numbers, and Kourtney had to show proof that she was 18 year old and was willing to be the witness of the wedding.

After waiting for about an hour it was finally their turn to go into the room with the officiant.

"We are gathered her to join this man and this woman in the bonds of matrimony. Richard, do you take Nina to be your lawfully wedded wife? To love, honor, and cherish her in sickness and in health and to forsake all others to keep only unto her" the officiant said.

"I do"

"Nina, do you take Richard to be your lawfully wedded husband? To love, honor, and cherish him in sickness and in health and to forsake all others to keep only unto him"

"I do"

The officiant signals to Ricky, and he pulls the rings out of his pocket. He hands Nini the one of him and holds Nini's. His was a simple gold band and her's was a simple ring with a moissanite gem.

"Richard, place the ring on her left ring finger and repeat after me. I give you this symbol" "I give you this symbol" "of my pledge" "of my pledge" "for faithful love" "for faithful love" "and remembrance of these vows" "and remembrance of these vows."

"Now Nina, place the ring on his left ring finger and repeat after me. I give you this symbol" "I give you this symbol" "of my pledge" "of my pledge" "for faithful love" "for faithful love" "and remembrance of these vows" "and remembrance of these vows."

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