Death Bed

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"Ricky" Dana cried, when Ricky picked up the phone. "Mamma D, what's going on" Ricky asked frantically, noticing her tone of voice.

Nini was meant to be on her way to his house so they could talk. Today was the day he was finally going to tell her he loved her. They had finally got closer once the musical began, and Ricky thought they were finally in a place where he could tell her those 3 words.

"She got hit. She was driving over to your house and someone drove through a red light and hit the side she was on, and she's not looking too good." She said, continuing to cry.

Ricky literally dropped his phone. He immediately started to cry as well. His legs gave out, and he slid down the wall that was next to him.

'What if she's gone. What if she dies without knowing how I feel.' he thought crying harder.

Once he calmed slightly he got into his car and drove to the hospital trying to get there as soon as possible.

When he got there he saw Dana and Carol in the waiting room. He immediately walked up to them and hugged them. They sat there for a little while crying and comforting each other, before the doctor came in and told them they could go visit her.

Ricky let her moms see her first. He said it was because they were more important and that is true, but he also needed time to figure out what he was going to say.

When he did go in to see her it was one of the hardest things he had ever had to do.

"Hey Nini. I know you can't hear me but I want you to know that I love you. I know it took me a long time to say it but I do, I love you. And I was going to tell you today when you came over to my house, but now we're here. When we first started dating we were talking about our future after school. And when I was sitting outside the room I was thinking about what that future could look like. We could get back together, be in love, then when we are in college I could purpose the way you always said you wanted me to. We could have the perfect wedding, and go on a honeymoon. And after a few years of marriage we could settle down and have a few kids. Then we can raise them to be great people, and after they go to college we can go traveling around the world, just like you said you wanted to. I want you to be my wife. I want you to be the mother of my children. But that can't happen unless you come back to me. Nini I need you in my life. No, you are my life. I can't imagine my life without you in it. I love you, please come back to me, please. I need you." Ricky cried sitting at her bedside and holding her hand.

Then he heard a loud, straight sound, and doctors started running into her room. The doctors were trying to push him away from her. "NO, NO, I have to be with her" "You're helping her by standing away from her and letting us help her"

He went outside the room to sit with her moms and wait for them to tell them what was going on.

A doctor came out of the room a few minutes later. He came over and knelt down next to them so he could look at her moms in the eyes. "I wish I wasn't the one that had to tell you this, but your daughter's gone. I'm sorry."

"No, no she can't be gone, she can't" Ricky cried. "I need her"

He cried for the next few days. He slept in her room. He wore all of her favorite outfits. He ate her favorite food. He did everything for her for the rest of his life.


(Loosely based on the song death bed)

I haven't had the best past few days so I wrote something depressing. 😆✌️

701 words

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