Truth or Dare

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This takes place when Nini and Ricky are in the 2nd grade.

Ricky and Nini have been best friends for about 3 years now. They always new their friendship was special and different from other friendships. They had a few other friends too, like Big Red and Kourtney. One day when they were all hanging out in Big Red's they decided to play truth or dare. "Truth or dare" Big Red asked Ricky. "Truth" Ricky said not wanting to do anyting stupid in frount of his friends. "What do you want to be when you grow up?" he asked. "An astronaut" Ricky said proudly. They went on like this for a few more rounds until it was Ricky's turn once again. "Truth or dare" Kourney asked having the perfect dare in mind. "Dare' Ricky said confidently trying to show off slightly. "I dare you to kiss Nini" Kourney said with a devilish smile on her face. "Um..uh..okay" He said nervously looking at Nini in shock. She had the same facial expression as he did. "Let's just get it over with" Nini said. She didn't know why but she was actually pretty excited to kiss Ricky. They both leaned in and quickly pecked on the lips. When they pulled away Nini took her hand and wiped off her lips. They're friends were screaming as if they just full on made out in front of them. After everyone had calmed down they continued playing for a few more rounds before turning on a movie and falling asleep.

It was about four months after Ricky and Nini had kissed for the first time. They both remembered it fondly, smiling whenever they would think about it. Ricky's parents had just gotten divorced. His dad stayed in their house and his mom moved into a small little house on the other side of town. Nini, Big Red, and Kourtney went over to see his new house. When they got there they immediately started playing games. They started off with simple board games then they decided that they wanted to play truth or dare again. The first date was directed at Nini "Nini I dare you to kiss Ricky, again" Kourtney said smirking. The both pecked again. She wiped her lips off with her hand, just like last time. They continued playing for a little while until it was time for Nini to go home.

This story was very weird to write because I was writing about a real experience I had.
I used to have this best friend. We had been best friends since birth. (We were born exactly 1 day apart, so when I say we have been friends since birth that's not an exaggeration) I had the biggest crush on him when I was like 8 years old. Then his parents got divorced, and his mom moved about 30 minutes away, so we spent less time together. The we blearily talked for like 5 years We just recently reconnected. And I'm happy to say that we are friends again.
Sorry this was so short I was having trouble remembering everything that happened back then, but I hope you still enjoyed it.

531 words

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