What the stories don't say

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What is there to say that hasn't been said
Hundreds of millions of times already?
There are only a finite number of word combinations
Nearly guaranteeing that most combinations
Will inevitably be repeated.
There are countless tellings and re-tellings
Of romantic, heroic stories
Some even venture into the villainous side
Almost as though there is an innate desperation
To understand what makes some people stray
So far from what is deemed to be normal.
There has been every variety of break ups, hook ups
And swoon worthy proposals
Captured in text and on screen
But it leaves a curious mind to wonder
Where the truth resides
In such fairytale happy endings
Where are the scenes
Capturing the less picture perfect times
The fights, the crying
The times that last longer than a five or ten minute clip
More than just a passing blurb?
Where are the stories that weave hundreds of lines
Filled with the truth
The shiny happiness and the gloomy sadness
The full reality of people
Trying to make it work
In a world determined to rip
Even a speck of happiness
To shreds?

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