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This part (or any part of the book) is not meant to reflect the views of Suzanne Collins. She is purely a character and her actions in this story do not imply that she would act the same in real life.
Wow, that sounds professional.
Also I don't mean to insult the government or the president in any way. This is a "what if" story.
It's also not implying that she wouldn't react this way.

Suzanne Collins stepped into the room.

"Hello, Mrs. Collins."

"Hello, Mr. President."

"I have to say, you are a genius."

"Thank you."

"Your book The Hunger Games is so popular."

"Yes, I know." Suzanne was used to receiving compliments on her trilogy, The Hunger Games.

"You must be proud of yourself."

"I am."

"You have discovered the future of this country."

"What do you mean?"

"Because of your brilliant idea, we have decided to replicate the Hunger Games in the United States."

"What?" She looked incredulous.

"We are having our own Hunger Games with the United States."

"What? You can't-" She didn't intend for the Games to be real. The whole point of the books was to end the horror.

"You should be happy. It was your idea. You will get fifty percent of the profit."

"I don't want any of your money. You can't do this!! The Constitution!!" she cried desperately. This was not her intent for her books.

"It says nothing about this. You have provided us with a loophole." He grinned.

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