Chapter 26

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Nicole was wide awake the next morning. She brushed her teeth, put her hair up into a ponytail, and quickly got herself dressed. After grabbing her backpack, she runs down the stairs, and heads to the kitchen, where she sees her brother fixing a cup of coffee. With a smirk, she walks up to him, and snatches the mug out of his hand, and pours it all into her own cup.

"Thank you, Bradley." She winks, places a lid onto the cup, and dashes right out the door, leaving her brother with a gaping mouth.

"What the hell, that wasn't for you! Nicole!" The door closed before he could continue.

After taking a quick sip of her beverage, she begins to run through the streets, dodging people, muttering lots of 'sorrys' and 'excuse mes' along the way. When she finally reaches the cafeteria, she pushes the door open. She takes a moment to stop and catch her breath, and she scans the cafeteria. She quickly finds Max- he was sitting at the same table they sat at the other morning- and she walks over to him.

"Hey Max-"

"One. Day." Max interrupts.


"Dad. He's only been here for one day and he's already broken two of the rules!"

"Really?" Nicole questions, and she sits down beside him. "Which ones?"

"Well," Max holds up a finger. "He came into our room, unannounced by the way, ad he woke us all up way before we were supposed to," He holds up another finger. "And now he's fixing me breakfast."

"Nicole raises an eyebrow. "I can understand the waking you up too early part, but what's wrong with him getting you breakfast?"

"Don't you understand?!" He grabs her shoulders, making her eyes widen. "It's not even about the breakfast. It's about him acting like my father!" He exclaims.

"But- Max, he is your father."

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean anybody needs to know!"

"Considering that he said you're his son out loud yesterday, I'm pretty sure everyone knows, Maxie." She crosses her arms, and leans back in her chair. All of a sudden, something lands on the table and slides in front of Max.

In front of him was a tray. It carried a bowl of grapes, a small mug of coffee, a plate of sausages, a huge stack of pancakes, a slice of watermelon, and a plate with sunny-side up eggs and oatmeal.

Literally everything was stacked on top of each other. Max tries to hide his face.

"Here you go, Maxie! A feast fit for a-" Goofy stops himself when his eyes drift to the girl sitting beside his son. "Well I'll be! Nicky is that you?!"

Nicole lightly chuckles. "Yep, it's me. Hello Mr. Goof-Woah!" She exclaims when she is pulled into a tight hug.

"Oh, Little Nicky, you're so grown up!"

Nicole's cheeks almost turned red from embarrassment when she notices a few heads turning in their direction. But she decides to ignore them, and she lightly pats his back.

"Thank you. It's nice to see you, too."

"Hey, wanna join us for breakfast?" Goofy asks once he pulls back from the embrace.

"Well..." She begins, looking at the huge tower of food. She also notices Max silently pleading with her. She shrugs. "Sure. I'll join you." She grabs the plate of eggs off the top, grabs three pancakes, and a few grapes. Once she sits back down, she feels something grab her hand, and she looks to see Max's gloved hand squeezing hers.

Thank you.

She squeezes back with a smile.

You're welcome.

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