Chapter 15: A birthday to remember

Start from the beginning

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You saw a note in the box that said, surprise one. Surprise one? How many more surprises will there be? The next surprise must be at the field. You went to your room and changed into the dress, then you started heading to the field.


You were walking through the forest to get to the field but then you saw Varian waiting for you. "Took you long enough." "Well, it's not my fault that I had to change again because you gave me a dress." Varian giggled, "Come on let's go to surprise two." He took your hand and led you to the field.

When you were getting closer Varian put his hands over your eyes so you wouldn't see the surprise. "Can I look now?" "No." "Now?" "No." "Fine." After a little while, Varian stopped walking, "Here we are." He removed his hands from your eyes. You gasped there was a nice picnic, it looked so beautiful with all the flowers by it. 

(Time skip to after you finished eating cause I'm lazy)

The sun was setting, and you were still with Varian just talking about random stuff. Luckily neither of you brought up the kiss from a few weeks ago. After talking for a while there was a long but comfortable silence. "Do you know how to waltz?" Varian asked you out of the blue. "No, why?" You responded with a confused look on your face. "No reason. Are you ready for surprise three?" "There's a third one?" "Yep" You both got off the picnic blanket, facing each other waiting for the next surprise. 

Varian held his hand out. Take my hand, take a breath pull me close and take one step You took his hand and Varian put your other hand on his shoulder and he put his on your waist. You looked at your feet so he wouldn't see your red face. Keep your eyes locked to mine and let the music be your guide He lifted your chin so you were facing him, and then you started dancing.

Won't you promise me? (Now won't you promise me?) You kept shifting your gaze from Varian to your feet to make sure you were doing it right. That you'll never forget (We'll keep dancing) To keep dancing wherever we go next You started to get the hang of it and you kept your gaze on Varian.

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do When Varian realized you were starting to get it he started dancing a little faster and you followed. And with every step together we just keep on getting better So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?) Can I have this dance?

Varian put both of his hands on your waist and spun you in the air. Oh, no mountain's too high and no ocean's too wide 'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop After he put you down you resumed your original position. Let it rain, let it pour, what we have is worth fighting for You know I believe that we were meant to be, yeah

It's like catching lightning the chances of finding someone like you It's one in a million, the chances of feeling the way we do And with every step together we just keep on getting better You wrapped you arms around Varian's neck and he put his hands on your waist. 

So can I have this dance? (Can I have this dance?) Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance? Can I have this dance? You both stayed in that position for a while not sure of what to do. Your faces were inches apart, one little movement, and the space would've been filled. You both started to lean in until, "Uh, y-you're a fast learner." Varian said backing away. "Oh, uh thanks." You tried to hide the disappointment in your voice. 

"So, are you ready for surprise four?" Varian walked back to the picnic basket. "Four. Seriously?" "Yeah. Turn around." You turned around while Varian was getting something out of the picnic basket. He went behind you and showed you the necklace.

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You moved your hair to the side so Varian could put it on you. You turned around, "Varian you didn't have to do this." "Well, I wanted to because you are the best person in the world." He grinned. 

After you packed everything up you started heading back. You went back hand in hand, wondering when to confess your feelings towards each other, if only you could read each others minds. Besides that this was the best birthday ever, you had an amazing day and you got to spend it with Varian. The only way to describe today was the birthday to remember.

Okay so I think this has become a musical, there's been four songs in a row. I knew this would become a musical but not this early in the story. Anyways I just wanted to say that I feel like my writing has improved since my last few chapters. Thanks for reading. :)

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