Chapter 53

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(Liv's POV):
Thor supported me as we followed Loki to the edge of a cliff. In the distance, one of the Dark Elf ships was clearly in view and, despite my slightly blurred vision, I could see a number of Dark Elves walking towards us. Thor gently set me down and took in the situation.

The two brothers looked at each other and nodded, their cue to stand up and move to the edge of the cliff. I watched them leave, not having the energy to get up and follow them, but thankful that they were still within earshot so that I could hear the plan.

But clearly the had already discussed it as Loki turned to Thor, "you know, this plan of yours is going to get us killed."

"Yes, possibly," Thor replied, seeming not to be phased by Loki's words.

Loki held out his wrists to get his cuffs removed and when Thor made no effort to free him, he inquired, "you still don't trust me, brother?"

"Would you?"

Despite Thor's lack of belief in his brother, he did remove the cuffs and a smirk spread across Loki's face, "no, I wouldn't."

It all happened faster then I could register. Loki grabbed Thor and stabbed him, sending over the side of the cliff. Fighting my shaky legs, I rose to a standing position and ran up to Loki, but he pushed me back.

"Loki, what are you doing?" I demanded, not willing to believe that he was betraying us.

But he gave no response as he ran down to Thor, prompting me to follow.

"Did you really think I cared about Frigga? About Liv? About any of you?" Loki snarled, kicking Thor in the face. "All I ever wanted was you and Odin, dead at my feet."

Thor called Mjolnir and my heart stopped, afraid that the brothers would descend into a full out fight. I did not think I could bear to watch if that were to happen. A scream left my lips as Loki grasped Thor's arm, cutting off his hand.

An act, it has to all be an act, I thought to myself as I hurried over to Thor's side, checking to see if he was ok. Loki would never say that, not after everything we had gone through. But did I even know him at all? He had shown me memories, but how did I know any of that was true? Was I always just a pawn to him?

No, he had turned himself in to protect me. And he could never have known I would have stumbled upon the Aether, so this couldn't have been planned. I had to believe Loki knew what he was doing and that he didn't mean to hurt me.

Loki grabbed me roughly from behind and approached who was supposed to our enemy, "Malekith! I am Loki of Jotunheim and I bring you a gift!"

I'm so sorry, Loki's voice whispered in my head as he threw me at Malekith's feet.

"I ask only one thing in return: a good seat from which to watch Asgard burn," Loki snarled as I looked up into Malekith's unnerving eyes, unaware that mine were the same.

The creature next to him who I recognized from Frigga's chambers spoke in a tongue I did not understand and I watched Malekith's features carefully. Whether the creature was warning him against taking Loki's offer or urging him to do it, Malekith's expression did not change. Not a single twitch or glance reflected what was going on in his head.

He finally started to approach Thor, leaving me collapsed on the rocky ground. He peered down at Thor with nothing but contempt in his eyes and ordered, "look at me."

Thor, who was nursing his wound, made no move to turn, so Malekith took it upon himself. After kicking him over, he said nothing, but kept eye contact. Suddenly he raised his hand and I could feel myself floating into the air. It felt as though I was suffocating as I was raised up by Malekith and my body moved on its own.

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