Chapter 45

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(Liv's POV):
My eyes fluttered open and I saw Thor rushing towards me. I frowned, trying to remember what happened and how I ended up lying on the ground. My entire body felt like lead, as though I had run a marathon and then passed out on the ground.

He took me in his arms and although I wanted to fight it, I didn't have the energy to. He called out for Heimdall, my body tensing up upon hearing that name, and we were surrounded by a bright multicolor light. I felt as though I was being jolted forward, much like I had when I had been pulled into that other world. Afraid that the same thing would happen, I instinctively grabbed on tighter to Thor.

I still nearly fell out of his arms upon landing, but thankfully he had a tight enough grip on me. Now that we were on stable ground, Thor placed me safely on the ground and I found that I seemed to have recovered from whatever it was that took away my energy.

"Liv Havardsdóttir," a deep voice spoke as I began to take in my surroundings. My breath hitched in my throat as fear rippled through my body, knowing if this person knew my full name then this was not a safe place to be. However, I did slowly turn my head to face my threat, not needing to look down to know that my hands were flashing with my white magic.

I found myself face to face with a Black man dressed in golden armor, his eyes a shining amber color. He did not remind me of anyone I had met before and his armor told me that he was Asgardian, but who I did not know. My eyes scanned my surroundings, a place that did stir up something in my memories. Well, not mine, but Loki's. The golden chamber that I was standing in was no doubt the Bifrost Observatory.

And that would mean that the man before me was - "Heimdall, I presume?"

He gave me a smile and nodded, "you are clever, Liv. Let me be the first to welcome you home."

"How much do you know about me?" I inquired, taking in the Bifrost for the first time through my own eyes.

"I know you are Asgardian, a Valkyrie, and that you are well acquainted with Prince Loki."

I tried to keep the shock from reaching my face, but I could feel my eyes widen slightly. But I kept my voice even as I spoke, "well, it seems you know everything now."

He shook his head, "I fear that that is not the case, Liv. Something has happened to you that I could not see. Thor will take you to be looked at by our healers."

Thor stepped forward at Heimdall's mention and spoke, "Lady Olivia, I do hope you know how to ride a horse."

"It's just Liv, Thor. I suppose you can use my real name if you know everything else," I flashed him a smile, walking with him out of the Bifrost. "And don't worry about me knowing how to ride, that was my best source of transportation for a good portion of my life."

Outside of the Observatory stood a gorgeous white mare equipped with a golden bridle. I turned to Thor, "I'm assuming she's yours."

A look of pride spread across his face, "yes, this is Gyllir."

"She's beautiful," I admired, running my hand through her coat.

Thor mounted her and then offered to help me up as well, which I accepted gratefully, before he took off towards a golden palace shimmering in the sun.

Asgard was far more beautiful than I could have imagined, the entire planet seemed plucked right out of a fantasy. Everything was glittering in gold, but none as much as the palace which reminded me of the pipes of an organ. The bridge upon which we rode seemed to be made out of a rainbow colored glass and I could have sworn that it shone wherever Gyllir's hooves made contact with it.

Thor and I rode in an uncomfortable silence, although part of me wished to ask him how long he had known who I was. I felt guilty for having lied to him so much, but I knew it was for my own protection or for the protection of his brother. Though his protection may not have been as necessary as Loki did end up getting caught and abandoning me in the process.

As Thor helped me dismount his horse as chivalry dictated, I looked up at him uncertainly. He seemed to notice my hesitation and did not move us forward, waiting for me to gain the courage to say what I wished to. My gaze fell to the ground when I did so.

"Thor, wh-what- what happened to Loki? I just need to know," I inquired, my eyes flickering back up to his as I awaited a response, my chest tightening as I thought of the many gruesome things they could have done to punish him.

Thor seemed to know that this would come eventually and let out a sigh, "well if the Allfather had his way, he would have most likely been executed. However, our mother still believes in him, despite everything that has occurred. She used her influence to keep him in the dungeons, isolated from the world, at least for the time being. He is safe, Liv, you needn't worry about that."

I thought about how lonely it must be for him, but then again he had done that to himself. We could have had a life together if he wanted to, and while we would have been on the run, at least we would have had each other.

"Well, I am glad that he is alive. It means that I can still give him hell for leaving me," I replied to Thor, turning my attention back to the palace before us.

Thor seemed to get the hint that I wished to get this healing business over with and offered his arm to escort me inside. A guard came over to lead his horse to the stables as we did so, nodding to Thor as they grabbed the reigns. I received a number of uncertain glances as we walked inside, but being on the arm of Thor provided me with unquestioned access.

"May I ask why my brother left you? Heimdall seems to think that he truly cared about you, so I find it difficult to believe that he would choose to return to his cell if he had the option of staying with you," Thor asked as he led me through the tall stone hallways, breaking me out of my observations of the palace.

My hand instinctively reached for the necklace he had given me as I explained, "the Avengers caught a glimpse of my true form and confirmation that I was associated with Loki. In order to protect ourselves from constantly being pursued by them, we retrieved the scepter he had brought with him when he attacked New York so that we could erase any memory that they had of that incident. However, he knew that they would continue to search for him, so I suppose he thought he was leaving to protect me."

"But you don't agree with that?"

"I have been hunted for the majority of my life, I know how to hide and throw people off my trail. Loki is an illusionist, he can easily change his appearance at will, it would have been so easy for him to blend in on earth. It was an utterly unnecessary sacrifice," I confessed, my rage towards Loki swirling up within me.


(A/N): Liv's in Asgard! I wanted to throw more Heimdall/Liv in this book but I'm afraid that this is about all you're going to get with the events to come. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

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