Chapter 19

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A smile was imprinted on Livia's face as she strolled down the streets of Milan, returning from the opera house. She had to admit, she could get used to such luxuries, even if was not going to last long. She was being escorted by the nobleman courting her, who was constantly tying to prove himself both wealthy and educated - hence the night at the opera.

Livia did not know how long the charade would be kept before she needed to move, but she decided that she would enjoy every moment that she had like it was her last. Little did she know that this peaceful walk back to her residence was the last that she would enjoy in Milan.

Screams echoed through the night and Livia looked up, gripping her suitor's arm a bit tighter at the heart wrenching sound. A young boy was falling towards the ground at a rapid pace and Livia knew that he would not survive the impact.

Acting out of instinct, Livia ripped her arm from her suitors and let her wings spread out behind her. She took off from the ground and soared towards the boy, wrapping her arms around him before he could hit the ground. Her body buckled with the added weight, but her wings steadied her and she gently placed him on the ground.

The young boy wrapped his arms around her and cried out thanks until his mother came to pull him away from her and reprimand him for being so careless. Her heart swelled seeing that she had saved his life, done something good with her powers. But no good deed goes unpunished.


(Olivia's POV):
I was pleasantly surprised by how well Loki's meal turned out, clearly allowing him to help cook meals was making him a much better cook. He coupled the meal with wine, knowing that the rich liquid would be a comfort to me. I did not think that he was much for midgardian alcohol, he mostly missed the flavors of home.

After we finished the meal, Loki decided that we would have a Shakespeare marathon, hoping that watching some of his comedies would be effective in cheering me up. I had not realized how caring Loki could be, but it made ignoring my feelings for him even harder. I could feel my heart quicken as he wrapped his arm around me, pulling my close to him and covering us both with a blanket. My mind screamed out at me to move away, to leave his intoxicating presence, but my heart needed his comfort, needed to be close to him.

Loki caressed my cheek with his finger, causing me to glance up into his soft green eyes which held an expression of worry. "If there is something else that you would rather do, just name it, Liv. I want to help you feel better and judging from how you have not looked up at the screen for ten minutes, I am assuming Shakespeare is not helping."

I gave him a small smile, hoping not to worry him, "no, I am enjoying the play and I appreciate the effort to lift my spirits, I really do. I'm sorry that I can't really focus on it right now."

Loki immediately paused the recording and shifted slightly on the bed so that he was facing towards me. "You should not apologize for feeling hurt, you lost someone that you cared deeply for today. Just tell me what you need and I will do it for you."

"Why are you being so kind to me, Loki? I know that you think I am special and you want to know how, are you hoping to win my favor by comforting me?"

"No, Liv, I-I just want to help you. But I suppose if you wished to tell me what kind of powers you have, I would not be opposed to that." His lips upturned as he attempted to lighten the mood. But when I did not reply, he turned serious again. "Liv, I promise that I am not trying to manipulate you in any way-"

"But that's what you do, isn't it? You get your way by manipulating others." I did not understand the anger that was rising up inside of me, perhaps it was a means to defend myself against my attraction towards the god. It was a dangerous relationship that I needed to get out of before it blew up.

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