Chapter 018

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Zy'Aire POV
Well I officially gave everyone the day off meaning...

"I can't see Jasariah's beautiful face." I think to myself regretting the decision I contemplate should I text Ezelle since he was still upset with me because of how I acted towards Jasariah at the restaurant during her interview

I apologized to him, but he still not speaking to me only when it concerns work he speaks, but he's mainly talking to Jasariah


I pull out my newly upgraded phone which happens to be the iPhone Xmas Pro I put my face in the camera to unlock the phone and I go to my text messages

I quickly type in Jasariah's number saving it as

I then shoot her a text message

Me: Hey

Chocolate🍫: Who is this?

Me: Your daddy😏

Chocolate🍫: Quit playing Mr. Atkins how did you get my number?

Me: Well hello to you too, but your resumé love🤣

Chocolate🍫: Smdh did you need anything?

I wanted to say yes and tell her how I wanted her bent over my desk while I devour her pretty pussy in my mouth, but decided against it

Me: I was wondering what you were up to?

Chocolate🍫: Well later I have plans with Ezelle we're suppose to be having a celebratory dinner for me

Me: Why wasn't I invited?

I grew extremely upset at this

How come he planned a celebration for her and didn't tell me

I quickly shot Ezelle a text wondering how come he didn't invite me

Me: Why didn't I get invited? I'm her boss after all

Ezee: I'm grown I ain't gotta tell you shit

I furrow my eyebrows at his message assuming he has forgotten who is the head over his one hundred fifty thousand dollar paycheck

I simply left him on read and went to take a shower to prepare myself for a late entrance

Standing there alone in the shower allowed my thoughts to run to her... Jasariah Jenkins

I don't understand why I'm overly interested in this woman, but yet I'm so drawn into her that I can't help, but want to touch her, tease, taste her even like she's just so bold and has no problem putting me in my place reminding me who she is

I never had a woman stand to me with such dominance before

"Ahh I need to get a grip." I mutter shaking my head as I finally step out the shower and dry myself off going towards my walk-in closet I decided I wanted to capture her intention as soon as I walk in the room

I decided to wear my all black Vera Wang suit with my gold cufflinks that had my initials grazed into them, and topping my look off with some blacks Gucci shoes

I sprayed a small bit of my Ralph Lauren cologne on and grabbed the keys to my black Escalade and setting my alarm system I lock my door and walked out heading to my personal car lot I hit the unlock button my keys sliding smoothly into the car, locking my doors, and putting my seatbelt on

I went to location and seen Ezelle and I was still sharing each others location

"They're at 'The Malt Bond' bet." I say with a smirk typing the name of the restaurant into the gps system, but first I stopped by an upscale flowery and picked up a bouquet of pink roses that only grow in summer season since they don't need much water and I was on my way

On my way to Jasariah Jenkins

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