Chapter Seventen

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                “This place has gotten bigger.” Joe grumbled as they rode into Barbadine several days later. Jonah glanced at Clayton. The boy’s eyes were as big as saucers as he gazed around at all the people and buildings.

                “Wow…. It’d take ya three days just to see everything!” Clayton gasped with wonder, which of course only served to make Joe slump down even further in the cart.

                “There should be a damned law against a place this big. This many damned people in one place just ain’t natural.” She stated grumpily.

                Jonah chuckled and brought Copper up close to the cart so he could reach out and give Joe’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “I’ll get you back on the mountain just as quick as I can.” He promised. Truthfully he was hoping that he would be able to learn where Scarlett was and then, after ensuring that Joe and Clayton were safe at the cabin with Reb there for added protection, he would go after her and take her out. End the threat against his family.

                In the past Jonah would have gone to the law and sent them after Scarlett but it was clear to him now that the law wouldn’t help him. They had let her go once and it would only be a matter of time until they did it again. Jonah wouldn’t let that happen. If slitting that woman’s throat in her sleep was the only way to ensure that his wife and son stayed safe then that is what Jonah would do and he and God could sort out the right and wrong of it later.

                “Well why you two are trading them furs, me and the boy are gonna do some shoppin’.” Reb stated and Joe frowned at him.

                “Shopping fer what?”

                “I’m gonna get him a good knife.” Reb replied. “Somethin’ with a bit more backbone behind it than that little sticker he carries ‘round.”

                Jonah glanced over at Joe and saw that she looked doubtful and he gave a slight shake of his head. “I think it’d be good for the boy to carry a little bigger knife. Obviously it ain’t gonna be any sixteen incher but maybe a good six or seven inch bowie.”

                Jonah could tell that Joe wanted to argue at first but then she sighed and nodded. “Alright. I guess it’d be a good idea.”

                “Well come on then, boy.” Reb said with a grin and Clayton smiled at Joe and Jonah.

                “This is gonna be great!” he exclaimed before following eagerly after Reb.

                “Thanks for that, Joe.” Jonah said once they were alone and making their way down a less crowded side street toward a trading post.

                “I ain’t completely unreasonable.” Joe replied. “I can see where him havin’ a bit of a bigger  knife would be a good thing. Especially after what happened to us and with her still out there.”

Renegades and Stubborn Pride (sequal to Renegades and Pretty Women)Where stories live. Discover now