It's My Time To Shine

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Jörvintir's POV
I am really getting tired of people asking me so many questions. How hard is it to believe that (Y/n) made me? It wouldn't be the first time in history someone created another personality because of their circumstances. Sometimes, people need to get creative in order to keep their sanity. In this case, my 'other half' is grieving so hard that he just cannot handle it. I mean, it is kind of odd that I know exactly why I am here.

1: (Y/n) finds out that he is actually not human
2: He is forced to relive his entire race being wiped out and him being sent to earth
3: He was not able to grieve properly the first time, and so now that he remembers, it is significantly worse
4: One of his lifelong friends finds out he is an alien and tried to kill him
5: He tells his soulmate that he is indeed bound to her, and then rejected romantically, when that was not what he was asking of her
6: The personality divide begins
7: He gets into a tussle with an intergalactic asshole, and has to extensively use his abilities
8: Exhausted after his fight with the asshole, both mentally and physically, he finally lets the personality divide shatter, thus creating me.

If that is not the most twisted up birth, I have no clue what is. It most definitely feels odd as well. (Y/n) and I both share the same memories, and body. The only differences between us is how we act, speak, and deal with things. And that, is exactly why I am here, because, apparently, I can handle this shit storm better than he can. Which I definitely do not doubt that, at this point in time. (Y/n)'s response is to kill everything with kindness, whereas my response is to kill them period. With ice, preferably.

Do not even get me started on the people he has surrounded himself with. The first one I met, was Alex Danvers. She is a handful, that one. I am aware of her 'scientist' background, which is why I was not surprised at all of the questions she was asking me. Her problem, was that she was trying to understand this situation from a scientific standpoint. That was undoubtedly mistake #1. There are just some things that science simply cannot explain.

She also tried to defend her sister without knowing both sides of the situation. Now, do not mistake my wording, there is absolutely nothing wrong with blindly defending a loved one. But at one point, you are just going to look like an idiot, lest you educate yourself. She was not aware that the Kryptonian is sworn to him, that being rejected by your sworn is a pain that cannot be controlled and is deep. Soul deep. It was not merely 'Woe is me, the woman I love will not have me' it was a whole lot more of 'The woman I am cosmically tied to cannot to understand our bond, thus damaging me in ways I cannot even fathom'

The Martian, on the other hand was a lot easier to manage. He is a man of tragedy as well, which gave us common ground to stand on. What I liked most, was that once I made eye contact wit him, he knew I was not (Y/n). I did not appreciate that he thought I was some kind of parasite, but he made up for it by knowing that (Y/n) and I should have essentially been the same person, and calmly asking questions and gathering information to better understand the situation at hand. And yes, I kind of made myself his right hand man.

That is because I see fragments of myself in him. A man who has suffered hardships that should not have taken place, and I sympathize for him. He cannot do the things that (Y/n) did to create me. In a sense, he is stuck. So why not offer to aid him in whatever he may need? It not only gives me something to do, but it also gives me a sense of purpose. I will stand my him in whatever may come. He is now my brother in arms.

Now, (Y/n) is definitely not innocent in this entire train wreck. The first thing he did upon finding out of his origins, was tell the Kryptonian. Why did he not do the same with Alex and Hank? Why keep them in the dark? The way I see it, if he was just honest from the jump, this would not have been as complicated. I know that he did not intend for this to happen, but it did. And now? I am going to clean up his mess. Starting with the Kryptonian.

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