What The Hell, Alex?!

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                       Kara's POV

As I was flying in no particular direction, I decided to listen in on anything that might be going on. As I did so, I could hear sirens sounding. I decided to head in the direction of the commotion and see what I could do to help. But as I was heading that way, I got shot by two darts with a green substance in them. I don't know how but they managed to effectively knock me from the sky. I fell into an abandoned alleyway and hit a car on my way down, losing consciousness.

As I was regaining consciousness, I saw a man standing over me. The room around me was new and unfamiliar, and with the combination of a strange man with a strange setting, I started to panic. I tried to move but couldn't, and when I looked down, I saw that I was handcuffed to a table. "That's weird," I thought. "I should've been able to break free by now. What is this weird green stuff?" Now I was really starting to freak out. "Made of low grade kryptonite." The man bellowed. "A radioactive mineral from your home planet. It weakens you." Okay, what? "Where...where am I? Who are you?" I managed through quick pants. "The name is Hank Henshaw. And I believe you already know Agent Danvers."

Just then Alex makes her way into the room making her presence known. She makes a beeline for me and immediately takes off the cuffs. "She doesn't need those." She spoke harshly, yet timidly. I kept searching her face for answers, but she refused to make eye contact with me. After the cuffs were off, she went to hold my hand, but I snatched my hand away, still demanding answers without saying a single word. She gave me a questioning, hurtful look, but I wasn't having it and laid my head back down on the table, ignoring her. "Welcome to the DEO," The man spoke again. "The Department Of Extranormal Operations." I looked to Alex for anything, but she just looked at me. "The DEO monitors and protects earth form extraterrestrial presence and/or...invasion. That means you."

They led me to what looked to be the main area or room of the establishment. And then I saw it. My pod.

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