I Don't Think Anyone Understands

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Kara's POV
I watched as Y/n left the apartment, abruptly. I know I probably dropped a crap load of stuff on him, but I need someone to share all of this with that isn't Alex or Eliza. And I really trust him, being that I've known him for a few years now. I've never been able to share any of this with Kal because he's always so busy.

I looked at the clock and realized I was gonna be late for work, so I literally sped all around the house in order to get ready for work. I just really hope I can find a way to talk to Y/n about all of this in depth. I know I told him that I trust him with who I really am and it's true, but I get the constant feeling that he's afraid of me now. I don't think our relationship will ever be the same and I've got to preserve it somehow.

As I'm speeding around the house I'm having some extreme difficulty with my wardrobe. "No...No....No...I can't seem to find anything..UGHH!" It shouldn't be this hard, seriously though, WHAT THE HELL?! About 15 minutes and half my sanity later I finally find an outfit I'm comfortable with. "Freaking finally!" I scream. "Seriously, Kara? I know you have difficulty finding a decent outfit but why the swearing?" I look behind me to see Alex. I look at her and playfully roll my eyes. I was gonna smile and tell her just how funny she was, but my mind flashed back to Y/n.

"Man, does this change things.." I thought. Alex noticed my change in demeanor and asked what was wrong. "You remember Y/n from last night right?" Alex looked to me. "I do, actually, I asked him for a favor before I left. Why?" She asked. "Here goes nothing.." I thought taking a deep breath. "He...knows some things." I lamely explained. I noticed the look on Alex's change so fast it shook me. "God, Kara..." Sorry to stress you sis. "Exactly what 'things' does he know?" Well...just about everything you know, give or take a few things.

"Do you remember me saving you from the sabotaged plane last night?" I asked. She looked at me curiously. "Mhmm." I took yet another deep breath. "Well, after I got back here Y/n didn't know it was me that rescued the plane until I told him, and when I did he seemed so...eerily chill about it and we ended up sleeping in the same bed...and well he...he seemed tense. And I'm afraid that he's afraid and that we won't be friends anymore, and I just feel so bad because I dumped a chunk of my life on him. But it's so hard, dealing with this alone, and Kal basically abandoned me and you don't know what it feels like."

Alex's head snapped in my direction. "And you think he does? Kara, you lost your entire world, and you expect him to understand? 'Know what it feels like'?" I rubbed my forehead. "No, no I don't. He doesn't have to understand or know what it feels like. I-I just.." Alex looked a bit upset. "You just what, Kara?" Ugh. I'm so fed up with her! "I FEEL LONELY, DAMMIT! I feel so alone and it feels like everything is just crashing down, like my world is falling apart all over again and that everyone is living their own lives, leaving me behind. Like I'm stuck in some kind of...limbo. And it just feels like Y/n is the only person who has actually stepped outside their life to spend time with me."

Alex looked floored. "Kara, what are you talking about? I make time for you. We spend time together..." Irrelevant. "But that's not the same. You do it out of obligation, because you're my sister. Y/n and I have no ties to each other except for knowing each other for a long time, and yet he makes me feel important again. He makes me feel like I'm not alone."

I looked up to keep the tears from falling. I looked to Alex to see what her response was, and so many emotions flashed across her face. But then she finally settled on a look that resembled 'torn'.

She closed her eyes. "I'm so sorry. I had no idea you were feeling like this. Why didn't you tell me? No. No. Why didn't I notice? Pick up on this?" I just waited. "It's no big deal, Alex. I've gotta get to work." I make my way to the door, grabbing everything I need on the way. "I'll uhm...I'll come with."

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