Meeting Alex

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                        Y/n's POV
As Kara and I arrived at her place, I saw how well lit and cozy it looked. I looked around, taking in the scenery, which was bright and homey. "Well here we are.." Kara said. I looked at her, not really knowing what to say, then continued looking around. I sauntered over to her clothes rack, lightly grazing my fingers over all the clothing. I could hear her making her way over to me. She pulled out two dresses one blue, and one red.

Just then a knock was heard on the door. I looked to the door and then to Kara. "Alex." Wait, who the hell is Alex? She opened the door to reveal a red-headed woman with short hair, who I could only assume was Alex. "So, Kara why did you call me and ask me to come here? You know I have a flight in 20 minutes." Alex let out exasperated.

"Well, 1: I needed advice for which dress to wear and 2: I wanted you to meet a close friend of mine." Was Kara's snarky remark. Close friend? Great. Just great.

They both seemed to cut their bickering short and looked to me, just standing there awkwardly. Kara seemed to know what I was thinking, because she walked over to me and caught my attention. "Hey, I know how you can be with people so let me handle this okay?" I stared into those beautiful eyes and nodded, completely at a loss for words, appreciating how well she knew me. She took a few steps back and looked to Alex. Only after that did Alex decide that the blue dress was better

"When in doubt, go with blue." We both said in unison, with me finally snapping out of my Kara induced mini-coma. Alex and I look to each other and fist bump. "I'm starting to like her already." I thought. "Well, I better get going." Alex stated. "I didn't quite catch your name, pal." "OH!Uh, Y/n. My name is Y/n." I told her. "Well, nice meeting you,Y/n. I Hope we can run into each other again." She said in a tone that was weirdly truthful. "The feeling is mutual, pal." I replied. And just as quick as she arrived, she left.

"Well, what do you think?" Kara called, catching your attention. You turned around to see Kara wearing a blue lace-like dress with her hair down and her glasses on. My jaw was On. The. FLOOR! She is GORGEOUS!!

She made her way to me and smiled, doing a full twirl. "I have to be there in 10 minutes so.."She trailed off, so I finished her sentence, "I'll see you later." She looked as if she had thought of this brilliant idea. "Why don't you chill about until I get back? I kinda wanted to hang out with you after work today anyway." I pondered on this for a moment, weighing the pros and cons. The pros eventually winning over.

"Uhm, yeah-I mean why not? I've got nothing better to do so..." I rubbed the back of my neck. "Why is it so hot in here? Kara..." She screeched and Hugged me. "OMG, Y/n, this is gonna be SO MUCH FUN!!" I just chuckle at her antics. "Yeah, yeah. Get outa here. You don't need to be late." Her eyes widen several fractions. "You're right! I gotta go! See ya!" I walked over to her couch and sat down, immediately sinking into it's comfortable surface. Not bad. Let's see what president Marsdin is up to on the news...
A/n I know the plot is going agonizingly slow, but I promise the good parts are coming. I decided to do a chapter now because, well, I have school and I'm not sure if I'll be able to update tomorrow so this is tomorrow's piece I'll probably write tomorrow anyway because I love writing. So yeah, see you in the next chapter!

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