maybe the last kiss

Start from the beginning

Aunty smiled at us and served us foods.

We are eating.
P' Mhay came ti greet us then left.

Pavel is serious today.

"Done ? He asked.

I nooded he paid for the bill and we walked to my car.

I hand him a shirt and wipes.

"I can kiss yiu right now. Just what i needed." He aia.d

I rolled mh eyes.

If you dare just do it  just do it.

Shit. I put on mh seat belt an dstarted the engine.

We went to the mall.
We decided to watch two movies.

We got tickets and snacks.

Enjoy every moment. My brain tells me.

After two movies. He asked me to order coffee. I am waiting for my frappe and his coffee.

Later he showed up with  ice cream.

"Frappe really?" He asked raised brows.

I sulked.

"Choose sweetie" he said, we are on our way ti the car.
"Frappe or Ice cream."

"Ice cream" he said he took the frappe it is untouched.

We went to the engineer's college and the only vehicle left is his bike.

"See you in the dorm sweetheart" he said. I saw him hand the ftappe to the guard before he get his bike.

So if i chose the frappe the ice cream will fall on the guard's hands?
Yes that is Pavel.

I drove to my dorm he jsug follows.

He filled up a form and he washanded sonething he placed it on his bag.

Then we went to my room.

I am shcoked,

His things are gone.

He put his arms on mh shoulders and guide me to sit on the bed.

"It is in my apartment now, Mae and Por came to pick it up. I wrote Pavel on evry box so they won't mixed up with yours. This was the plan allure you out so you won't see the boxes taken away." He said and hugged me.

"Babe." I said clear and not too loud.
His huggot tighter.

He lift my chin up.

He looked i my eyes

"Will you visit me?" I asked.
He nooded.

"Will you come if i call?" He nooded.

"Babe.. " i kouthed it again and he kissed me.

I hokd on his neck

"Dome," he said.

I lowered my head and lean on his chest.

He is my best friend and i do not wanna take advantage.

He hugged me still.

His phone vibrated.

I saw who is calling.

He asnweed it and slowly moved away form me. He wlaked to to the balcony.

I looked at his bed. His bed is not there already. It is replaced by a long study table and a chair.

I looked around. And i have a saml vouch that  4 can fit in and two solo couches and a center table.

My dorm is now prepared for one person only but can recieve visitors.
My years fall.

"Mae and Pa wish to see you and have dinner if you can," Pavel said.

I wipped my tears.

"Sweetheart call me when you need me na." He said. I nooded.

I stand and went to bathroom.

I wish when i get out he already left.

I washd my face and went oitside he is still there. Holding a cup of ice cream.

"I placed the ice cream in your small ref " he said o i have one.

I took the cup and eat it helped me. Calm.

Mae and Pa are here i need yo meet them.

Man up and face your old folks. Dome, my own brain scolds me.

I then gt up and brushed my teeth.

I sighed and grabbed my key.

"I will not give yoj my coppy back," he said.

I nooded and smiled.

He kissed my forehead.

Here we go.

Me on my car him on his bike leads the way,
His apartment is not too far from the universiy. 8  minutes in 90/mph. With no traffic.

Not bad. The lights are on. He patked his bike and my car parked by the road.

We are greeted npby Mae.

"We missed yoj Dome, glad you came,"  she said. Then Pa, also hughed me.
"Did he treat you welll?" He asked. I nooded,

Pavel just shook his head.
They invited me in.

Two bed rooms a nice complete bathroom. Nice kitchen and big living room.

Good for two to 5 people to live in nice.

We ate dinner  had a bit caht he warned me about not telling them the pageant he is in.  Only the hazing which Pa knows.

Then i need to go back.

Make sure you are in your room when it reaches 10 pm. Pavel once told me.

"Please don't me back babe," i said his family has been calling me sweetie he calls me sweetheart sometimes sweetie.

But his parents insist. I have no choice.

When the front door closed. He hold my waist and our faces are too close
"Babe." I said.
I know what he wants and i want it depearately,

We kissed.

Deep one.

This might be our last kiss.

Then we parted, for it is getting hotter. And we both do not want to cross that line.

He send me to the dorm i am on my car he is on his bike.

I am satnding on the dorm lobby. He did not enter we waved and he ride his bike back to his apartment.

I layed on my bed embtacing a pillow he left one for me. I cried and cried and shut.

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