I'm Tired of This

Start from the beginning

Frances soon shakes her head to brush that thought away and sits lazily at the edge of her bed. "Non-sense. But why keep on doing the flower thing then...?"


Susan gave a gentle smile to Violetta, "Really, Vi, you don't have to make this sash for me..." Violetta smiled back as she pulled the needle through the thin fabric, "Don't worry, Su. I wanted to make a little something for you after what had happened last week... Sorry for Alfred's behavior..."

Susan touches Violetta's arm and she stops sewing to look at her friend, "You don't need to apologize, it wasn't your fault."

Violetta sighed, "Thank you for thinking that way, but... I still feel responsible for him in some way."

"I'm glad Fran got to punch that jerk though," Theodosia murmurs while supporting her head in her left hand as he read a book. She looks up and then widens her eyes as if only now she had noticed that said that aloud, and shakes her hands nervously in front of her body, "Sorry Vi, I know he is your friend and all but-!" The librarian shushes them and the girl stops talking.

Violetta smiles gently and quietly replies, "It's fine Theo, you have all the right to call him that even though I don't like to hear. He shouldn't do this kind of thing..."

"What about we talk about another subject?" Susan smiles nervously, eager to talk about something else, or just go back to study.

Mary keeps on writing as she exchanges glances between her notebook and the enormous book she was reading from simultaneously, and says, "So, Frances, what's up with Stephan? I need to talk with him."

There was no response and Mary stop writing and turns towards the edge of the table, where Frances sat behind a pile of books, "Hey I'm talking to you!" Still no response. Angelica, who was sitting beside her, leans back to look behind the pile.

"Fran?" Angelica calls and then looks back at her friends, "Guys, I think she's sleeping."

Angelica and Theodosia, both at each side of Frances, remove the pile of books and reveal a deep asleep Frances to the rest of the girls, her arms crossed around her head as she softly snored.

"Is she actually sleeping?" Violetta asked leaning forward to the table.

Mary sarcastically replies after a snort, "No, no, she actually died."

"Mary." Theodosia reprimands her.

Mary raises her hands in defeat, but her voice and eye roll show how she didn't regret it at all, "Ok, fine, sorry."

"She had been acting very tired recently... Especially during class." Angelica comments, "Do you think she's having trouble sleeping at night?"

The girl shrug and Theo suggests, "Should we wake her up or...?"

Mary lies back in her chair and crosses her arms, "Bad idea, who knows how her mood is, and I'm not willing to fight with her today." She looks up at Violetta and the blonde girl jumps when the Jefferson directs the word to her. "Why don't you wake her up? If she kills you at least you go to Heaven."

Violetta blushes and fidgets with a string of her hair, tremulously smiling, "M-My father was able to escape the wrath of your uncle during the war so... I pray I as well shall not face your family's wrath too?"

Theodosia asked pointing at the asleep girl, "Well, any ideas for a plan B?"

Mary raises her hand and excitedly says, "Let her sleep until the library close and lock her inside."

"Mary." Theodosia shots her a tired look and Mary chuckles.

Susan has an idea and stands up quietly before rushing out of the building, returning a few moments later pulling her older step-brother by the arm and gestures to Frances with her head, "Here she is... We didn't want to wake her up because we're scared she would kill us but I guess you're safe since you're her best friend and the most resistant one."

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