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"Thank you for participating in the national level of the Japan Solo and Small Ensemble Festival. We will now announce the results. Please hold your applause until all awards for the division have been announced."

Sakura and Kousei were seated near the back of the large auditorium, which was a mistake on their part. Sakura had to struggled to get out of her row and onto the stage to receive her medal and certificate over and over again.

After she returned from getting her fourth medal, Kousei whispered: "It's too bad your mom didn't want to come. But she should be very proud of these medals. Your dad, too. They prove a lot."

She nudged his shoulder. "All that matters is that Kousei came." After a quick applause for the bassoon soloists, she said, "Ok I guess I wish she was here."

They were both silent until they heard from the stage, "Piano duet division. Gold to Kousei Arima and Sakura Nakamura, silver to..."

This time they both struggled to get up and onto the stage. But they still made it to the top, stood for a short but sweet applause, then made their way back to their seats.

"You were able to walk up to the front this time! But if I were to have it my way, you would walk up front with me for all of these," said Sakura, showing her five medals.

"Aw, thanks!" Kousei relaxed in his seat.

About 10 minutes later, the awards were all finished and everyone could get ready for the banquet to follow that night. While waiting for most of the crowd to leave the hall, Kousei asked, "So how many total?"

"Let's see. Three gold, two silver, and two bronze. Most are because I was in small ensembles. They tend to be easier to win in."

"But because you were in those ensembles, you enabled everyone to succeed. Don't be so humble at a time like this, Sakura." Kousei smiled.

Sakura grinned back. "Ok. But same goes for you, though. You helped me through everything." She studied her medals front and back. "In fact, I'm sure your name is etched on here somewhere."

Kousei chuckled. "So what's in store for next year?"

"Same thing. But I might add a few things. Oboe, French horn, cello. It will give you quite the job."

"Just say the word, and I'll be there to work full-time to help," said Kousei, starting to get out of his seat and stretch.

"I also thought that you could enter the piano division next year. We could compete against each other."

"Haha, now that would be fun."

Sakura got up and stretched as well. "Well, let's get back to our hotel room so we can get ready for the banquet." Kousei offered his arm to escort her out, which she took gracefully.

She pecked him on the cheek. Kousei grinned at her. "If I were to enter the piano division, we'd be the loveliest rivals ever."

"Rivals and partners. We're everything, aren't we?"

"You're everything. To me."


With that, they exited the hall and the building into the early sunset as colorful as the future that awaited them.

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