Chapter 11

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A nice long chapter awaits...

Sakura and Kousei saw each other in the hallway the next day. They both confirmed with each other then that they would be able to make it.

Kousei's last class was on the other side of campus from the meeting place, so he was about 15 minutes late for their first meeting. Great circumstances to ask someone on a date.

When he walked into the room, Sakura was hard at work filling out the submission form. She looked towards him when she heard the door slide open. "Hey! It's about time you showed up!" she said with a smile.

"Yeah sorry, my class was all the way across campus. I didn't want to run the entire way."

"I'm glad you didn't either. Don't want you so sweaty that you would stink up the room."

"Haha, me neither."

"So, you want to go through the list of songs?"

"Sure. If there are any parts you want me to play, I'd be more than willing to practice."

"Oh, uh, not today. I'm working on an application to get a semi-private room. Should go through in about a week. It will be like a locker room for all my instruments, and others whom I share it with. Hence the name semi-private."

"That would be really nice to have! I imagine carrying all the instruments you play everywhere is quite a pain."

"Oh trust me, it is," said Sakura with a small chuckle. "Anyway, ready to go through the list?"


"So first category is piano solo, so you shouldn't worry about that. Next is string quintet; again no worries. Let's see: clarinet solo. You have the 3rd and 4th movements, right?"

"Yes I do. Brahms pulled out all the stops on this one. It might take me a while."

"Haha yeah. It's more of a duet than a solo with accompaniment, if you listen to it. You might want to listen to all the pieces, actually. Speaking of pulling out all the stops, next is organ solo, which you are off the hook with. Viola solo. You have the Liszt and the Seitz?"

"Yup, Although you are going to have to explain what I do and don't play, or just make me a new copy."

"Oh, I figured you would want the copy since ignoring notes is kinda hard at the professional level. I have it right here if you want." She handed him a crisp new copy of music.

"Oh great! Thanks a bunch! You really didn't have to do that, by the way. I would have managed."

"No trouble at all! Ok almost done. Vocal octet is all a capella. The vocal solo I need you for. Did I give you the two Purcell pieces?"

"No, I don't think you did. Do you have that here with you?"

"Ugh, sadly I don't. I'll be sure to bring it to you tomorrow."

"But tomorrow is Saturday."

"Shoot! Well the accompaniment isn't too hard so you can hold it a few days, right?"

"I could just text you my address so you can drop it off at your convenience."

Sakura blushed. "Oh, um, are you sure? It's not THAT important."

Kousei smiled kindly at her. "Just to be on the safe side so you don't forget, right?"

"Ok, um, only if you're sure."

"I'm positive." Holy crap, that was bold of me! I haven't even gotten to the asking yet!

"Well, that's just about everything," said Sakura. "But there was something I wanted to ask you first."

Kousei paused a bit before responding. "Go ahead, shoot."

"Well, it's, um, kind of forward of me, so feel free to say no." Sakura looked down at the floor, feeling almost ashamed.

Kousei stopped her. "I think I know what you're going to say."

Sakura looked up at him. "Really? But how? I haven't hinted about it at all!"

Kousei chuckled nervously. "I would be embarrassed of asking too. But a friend of mine somehow convinced me." Watari would go crazy over this, I just know it. "So yes, I'd love to!"

Sakura seemed happily surprised. "Seriously?? Oh thank you so so much! Ah, this is relieving. I'll stop by tomorrow, I guess, just to finalize everything," she said, blushing. "Text me your address, ok?"

Kousei smiled. "Sure thing." He exhaled as well. "Ah, I'd never thought you would say yes if I asked."

Sakura smiled warmly. "Well, it's a good thing I asked first then, huh. Or at least brought it up first." She turned to face the door. "I have to finish up the paperwork now, as well as take care of some other homework. But walk home safely!"

"You too," Kousei responded as he blushed while watching her walk out the door.

Once he was where no one could hear him, he silently said to himself, "Well that was a lot easier than I thought. I hope the other two are as successful as I was."

Sorry to spoil the fangirling, but all of those pieces that I loosely explained are songs that I am actually working on!! Just had to get that out.

Hope you had fun with this chapter!

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