Chapter 9

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I realize that I'm not 100% accurate with some of the info from the original anime. But the way I see it, I'd rather just hurry up and write the chapter instead of spending 20 minutes to change a word or two. Deal with it :)

It only took a few days for Sakura to get all of the music together. She texted him one morning promising to give him the music during choir class that day.

While Kousei was at the piano waiting for class to start, Sakura dropped a large pile of music onto the piano bench. "Don't worry about having it memorized," she said.

"How many pieces are in that pile?"

"Eh, I can't remember. Doesn't really matter though, as long as you get it."

Kousei looked worriedly at her. "Aren't you worried about all this?"

"Not really. I've been working on these songs since summer. I'm actually ready to start practicing with you, once you're ready. But no pressure, though," she said with a wink.

Kousei smiled. "You might want to get a list together. For the contest submission."

"Yeah, I should do that. Applications start next week, so I should have it ready by then."

"Ok. Text me if you happened to miss anything."

"Odds are somewhat likely. Later!" Sakura said as she made a cute gesture before walking back to her seat.

It took a while to stop staring at her walking back to her seat. Once he broke his gaze, he stared at the pile of music.

The first had a note on it: I play the melody on viola so you play all of the supporting notes. There are several exceptions so I'll just have to show you in person. Removing the note revelated the song as Liszt's Liewbestraume No. 3 in Ab major. "Holy crap!" Kousei thought. "It's not very easy for the soloist and accompanist!"

He looked through the pile and another piece caught his eye. There was no note, but he could see that it was for clarinet and piano and that the accompaniment was hard! Brahms's Clarinet Sonata Op. 120 No. 1 movements 3 and 4. There was more black ink on the paper than blank, it felt like. Sakura is really ambitious! Kousei didn't know whether to fear more for himself or for her.

He glanced up at her sitting among the other choir students with an expression of shock. Sakura was also looking at him from her seat, and she gave him a gentle smirk. Kousei looked back down at the music, then straightened it into the neat pile it was a moment before. He put the stack on the piano to worry about later.

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