Chapter 17

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By the way, I wrote this chapter on July 5th or 6th after seeing a massive fireworks show in the area. Watching it helped me with a lot of this chapter.

"Wow, they're beautiful!" exclaimed Sakura. Kousei glanced at her a bit longer, then turned his head back towards the show.

The show was about 15 minutes long. It was slow at moments with just a few going off, but every once in a while there would be a flurry of fireworks that blinded everyone. Every kind of firework went off. All colors were shown, as well as the light flash ones, the noisy squeal ones, the double burst ones, and the comet trail ones. The grand finale glowed brightly for 3 entire minutes. Kousei's cheeks also glowed brightly because he put his arm around Sakura's waist towards the end.

Sakura only half-noticed. She also half-noticed that she put her arm around Kousei's waist as well. Sakura was so caught up in the beauty of the fireworks that she rested her head on this shoulder during the last ten seconds.

Kousei was fully aware of what was going on. So was Watari, who was snapping a few pictures of the two. Kousei relaxed and enjoyed the moment as well as he could with minimal success.

Once everyone was sure the show was over, Sakura looked towards Kousei's face, then used her other hand to shield her eyes as if staring into the sun. "Wow! I don't know which is brighter, the fireworks or your cheeks! It's a close call, but I think it's you!" She smiled happily then dropped her hand.

Kousei only blushed more and removed his hand from her side, a mistake he would regret later. He couldn't find a response to what she said, so he looked around at the retreating crowd and spotted Watari holding a phone aimed at the two of them.

Watari peeked from behind the phone. "Ok, that is just too cute," he said, smiling. "I can tell this relationship is gonna last a nice long while!"

Kousei was about to object when Tsubaki came up beside Watari. "What's going on?" She paused to look at Watari's phone. "Oh that is just so cute!" she exclaimed. "You have to send that to me right away!"

Sakura tiled her head. "Oh, you guys were recording us?" She smiled and stood up to run over to them. "Send it to me too!"

While Sakura and Watari were happily exchanging numbers, Kousei thought, Am I the only sane one here who knows what just happened?

Sakura's voice interrupted his thoughts. "Well that was a really fun night," she said to him. "Thanks for having me!" She then stood on her toes and kissed Kousei on the cheek.

Kousei's cheeks turned a nonexistent color as Watari was shouting, "Wait, I didn't get that! do it again!" as he pulled out his phone again.

Sakura smiled at him, then looked back at Kousei while putting her arms around his neck. She kissed him tightly on the lips right as an extra firework went off perfectly centered in between them. That's when Watari snapped the picture.

Oh. My. Goodness. SO CUTE, RIGHT?????

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