Chapter 9

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((Me: *silent, staring at my phone expressionlessly*

Mello: Um... *walks onto the set* What's wrong with-

Matt: *shoves a hand over his mouth* Don't... ask...

Mello: ? 0.0

Matt: She watched the last three dubbed episodes- the latest three- of... *whispers in his ear* Laughing Under The Clouds...

Mello: Oh shit... *stares at Izzy* You got the cookies, Matt?

Matt: *hisses* We ran out!

Mello: Fuck me. *looks at the reader* Um... so... well...


Mello: Shit! *hides behind Matt*

Me: They... they... >.<'... Sora... Tenka... The Kumoh clan... My... Oh my God... I... I don't want to spoil it for you guys but... Oh my God... I want to rant so badly...

Matt: *swallows* Um... onto the chapter...
Bold Italics mean Flashback thoughts,
Italics mean thoughts,
'Bold' is my carrier in the past,
Bold in the bold italics is narrative from the past/flashback narrative/flashback speech, otherwise it's my carrier

Normal text is narrative/present speech (or, y'know, as this is written in past tense... Past speech?)

Me: *deep breaths* I'm doing this because it'll look messy otherwise... Mello... COOKIES STAT!

Mello: Matt ate the last of them!

Matt: I did not-

Me: ...*eyebrow twitch*...

Mello: Oh...

Matt: Shit...


Mello: *yells* Enjoy the chapter- it's only a short filler guys! We own nothing- well, Izzy owns nothing! She only owns the scientists and the non-anime/non-I Am Legend stuff! Maddy is owned by ThePsycho and Ash by Amelia_Rech! *sprints out*

Matt: BYE! *runs out fearfully*))

Matt P.O.V.

Dearest Sam- No, that's wrong. I should restart. It doesn't sound right... and it's really awkward thinking this to yourself- or, I suppose, you... but... it's for you so... And this is what Mello used to do for God or whoever he did it for so... yeah. Restarting. Now. Like the awkward old beginning never happened... yeah.

Dear Sienna,

I remember you telling me that Mello came to save Nick and me. That... you weren't needed, in more or less words. I knew you were telling me in your own way to protect the ones I care about... be it Nick, Mello, L.. anyone.

I stood there, frozen in the doorway. The smell of cooked flesh was vile- it was a wall crashing down on me and made me want to vomit. My instincts told me to run but...

Well, I'm going to. I'm going to make you a promise.

...I just couldn't. It was like my mind had shut down as I peered into the flames; watching them play innocently. They jumped from the one of the two visible corpses to the other, smouldering them into piles of ash and bone.

I'll protect whoever I can... whenever I can. Glancing up at the star filled sky like I could see my sister, I smiled before putting my forehead back on my interlocked knuckles in my version of a praying position.

Please... I finally tore my eyes away from the flames when Mello put a hand on my shoulder. My green eyes met his shocking, sad blue ones.

I won't hurt anyone. I won't... I won't let anyone die.

"M... My family..."

I'll do it because I let you down. I let you die.

Nick... Ash... L... Maddy...

And that was wrong of me.

BB... Ryuk...

So it won't happen again. Believe me. This whole new world has taken away my courage to let things stay the same. It's taken away my shield against the world- my cool and collected persona. Yeah, you know the one. The one I used with Mello all the time when he was being a dweeb.

Are they all dead?

It's like I've been thrown out of an aeroplane without a parachute when I think I have to go through this world without my sister by my side to help me though.

Why did I have to get captured? They never would have been here! They would have been safe from the creatures that lived here! Mello pulled me to him as the fire alarm went off, the shrill noise threatening to break my eardrum. I looked at him with cold eyes, and all my best friend could do was look away towards the flames.

And even with Nick by my side... it hurts.

"Please tell me Nick wasn't in there." I managed to choke out, and Mello shook his head with his eyes casting downwards.

"I didn't want him seeing anything that would give him nightmares."

My knees went weak with relief and I instinctively put my hand on the doorframe to keep myself up, even with Mello keeping me by his side- and despite the agonising burning seeping through my skin, my mind screaming at me to retract it before it was incinerated.

So... I don't think it's possible to forget you. Hope that helps you move on or whatever dead people do. I swallowed and opened my eyes as a hand landed on my shoulder, and as I looked up I met the bright blue eyes of Mello. He gave me a comforting smile before he whacked me over the head with his free hand.

My best friend quickly pulled my hand away from the doorframe. "Dumbass." He hissed, and I yanked my hand away as I stepped back.

"Mels... I..."

"What was that for?!" I laughed weakly, and Mello grinned at me.

"You looked miserable."

"Don't Matt." He grimaced and grabbed my shoulder. "We need to leave, now."

And then we ran, leaving the remains of our family behind as the room's ceiling collapsed.

Or at least...

We thought we did.

Third Person P.O.V.

She pulled herself out of the searing rubble, coughing violently as her body screamed in pain. Looking to the side of her, she saw two familiar bodies unmoving. "O-Oh God..." She choked and closed her eyes tightly. She decided she'd find Mello and Matt. She'd make sure they were okay.

But first she would grieve.

At least she would have done...

...If not for the bodies near her waking up.

((A.N.// Me: Matt's birthday today... and a week til mine... :D))

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