Q & A

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Chibi Young Sam/Sienna is the picture! :D

If you guys come up with any questions after this... I'll add them and give my answers :)

Why did you decide to kill Near?

Me: Heh... heh heh... Well... truth be told... I dislike Near. I'm a strong Anti-Nearist. It's become a problem because I like fanfics with Near in, and I liked writing his character because I got to make him do those little comments that Mello could respond to. So that's one reason.

Another is I always liked the idea that Mello would beat Near at one thing... Life seemed to be quite fitting as the irony of it is Mello wins at living longer and Near wins at dying first. I've always seen Mello as a more dominant (I mean come on, the guy's a badass) character whilst Near is his rival who in some ways is his complete opposite. It seemed pretty obvious to kill him because of a carrier attack. Near wouldn't be able to wield a weapon... and it meant I could have him stopping Matt and Sienna from getting to safety. It all added up.

The most ultimate reason, though, is that... I couldn't kill BB or L. Those two I needed. BB has played a pretty big role, defending the group and working with Ash. L's brain got them pretty far- and it'll just become more useful in the last chapter. Near would have just been an awkward in-the-way character who would have died in Sociology like Justin (who's death I didn't mind writing). Hope that answers that one! :D

What happens to Mello and Ash?

Mello: *coughs awkwardly into my fist, cheeks flushed slightly* If you mean in the future in and after Criminology, there is no way I'm telling you. Ash and I... well...

Ash: What Mello is trying to say is his crush is ridiculous and I'm not interested.

Mello: *jaw drops*

Why Sienna instead of Nick?

Me: Oh the most painful question in the world! It killed me, it really did, to kill Sienna. Nick, I couldn't do it. The kid's needed- his dad's the bad guy. And also, Nick's one of my favourite characters. It hurt so much to even think about him running out. Sienna... oh god, I don't know about you guys but the pain of just writing her screams was enough to nearly make me cry. She was an amazing character, so full of life and you could see Matt's softer side. Now Matt's lost... even with Nick. I suppose... in some ways though, I chose Sienna because Sam (the dog) in I Am Legend dies (Spoiler, I know!). That kind of set it off. Sienna would die, because the reason she existed was because of Sam. Nick exists purely because he's Nick. He's just freaking awesome.

Plus, really. You think Matt or Sienna would let Nick jump out of a car with THAT mixture to kill carriers?

Sienna: Oh come on. *walks on the set* My mixture was perfectly safe! Nick would've been fi-

Me: *turns to her with a raised eyebrow* Uh huh, what was in it again? Gun powder? Liquid explosives? I'm sure there was radium and potassium too...

Sienna: ^.^ Latex and a pinch of chilli powder too. But as long as he didn't drink it he would be fine!

Me: Uh huh...

Sienna: Hey! What's with the disbelieving tone?!

Me: *a raised eyebrow, turns back to the questioner* Sorry. Anyway, I'm sure Matt wouldn't have let him. Why would I send a three year old out to annihilate a load of creepy carriers who in Sociology can talk? Sienna would never let Matt do it- Matt practically raised her. And she, in turn, practically raised Nick with his help. She protected her boys. :3

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