Chapter 10

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((A.N.// Me: Hey guys! So it's me :) Here's the second to last chapter of Criminology...

Matt: Wait, no sketch? D:

Mello: No stupid time waster? D:

Me: *shakes my head* Nope. Just a normal note! Only because... this chapter is tense. I'm still feeling the tenseness of it all! Even Shane Dawson's songs aren't relaxing me D:

Mello: Um.. O.O

Matt: Okay... so this is the chapter that broke Izzy xD She owns nothing, only Nick and the idea for this story xD Enjoy guys.

Mello: Everything will be explained in the last chapter if you lot don't understand something. *sighs*

LAST CHANCE TO ASK QUESTIONS -- Two more needed at least so I can make it into a proper chapters guys! PLEASE! D:)

Previously in Criminology (as a certain author ((a.k.a Izzytiger)) needed to be able to use this as reference).......

"Don't Matt." He grimaced and grabbed my shoulder. "We need to leave, now."

And then we ran, leaving the remains of our family behind as the room's ceiling collapsed.

Or at least...

We thought we did.


Third Person P.O.V.

She pulled herself out of the searing rubble, coughing violently as her body screamed in pain. Looking to the side of her, she saw two familiar bodies unmoving. "O-Oh God..." She choked and closed her eyes tightly. She decided she'd find Mello and Matt. She'd make sure they were okay.

But first she would grieve.

At least she would have done...

...If not for the bodies near her waking up.


Matt P.O.V.

Guilt is a powerful thing. It coils around you, squeezing tightly as it takes away the parts of you that you have grown to know and most importantly like. Your breathing goes shallow and your mind taunts you, putting forward only the negative things in life. Forgotten are your positives- all that is there is the darkest memories you have.

At least...

That's how it worked for me. Guilt and I had an agreement- if I fucked up, I was to be it's puppet. I'd bark on command; roll over; let it drown me in the wintery depths of my mind where it crawled around, leaving a trail of mass destruction.

As I walked behind Mello once we escaped the building, I felt the familiar feeling of guilt compressing my need to fight for life. And yet up was my cool and collected mask... the mask that had saved me so many times. I thrived upon it. I lived by it. Behind the mask I could be whoever I wanted to be- whatever I wanted to be. I didn't have to be Matt, the man who was stuck with just his best friend on the way to pick up the last family member he had that was with a serial murder. I could be Mail, the guy feeling so damn bad for letting L, Ash and Maddy die.

And Kayen... my subconscious muttered, and I froze midstep. My hand went to my side.

Carrier? I asked hesitantly into my mind, just to receive a Sam style scoff.

No, nimwit, it's the bastard in your mind.

"Of course..." I whispered before glaring down at the ground. It wasn't a dream. It- He was gone. My carrier was gone. I had mixed feelings over that. On top of the loss of my friends, I felt a twinge of loss for it. Of course, there was enjoyment and happiness- but there was also a... spark of sadness being threatened by the cheerful, positive emotions.

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