30 . The wedding

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Baekhyun stood in a black tux that fit him almost too well, as he held the bouquet in his hand, while a unfamiliar woman stood beside him and ordering people to make a little more touch up, for him to look pretty and handsome.

He sighed like what seems like umpteenth time, before throwing the bouquet to the sides and stood up, straight staring into the woman's eyes. "Who the fuck are you? Why do you keep ordering people like they are your slaves?"

The woman was actually taken aback by his stubborn cold words, but she laughed awkwardly like it never affected her in anyway. "It's not like that, honey. It's your wedding and everyone will here too. So, don't you want to look good in front of everyone? Your dad will be proud of you, don't disappoint him."

"Why do you even care about my father? I know what to do and not." He shouted, his gaze moved to one of the woman in the room. "Mrs. Jessie? Please can you ask my fiancé to come and meet me here?" He asked one of the maids, who bends her head before rushing out the room.

Once the woman went out, the golden blonde moved his gaze back to the sluttish woman and showed her an annoying look, which made her burn inside. She almost got tripped on her own heels while dashing out the room in annoyance, which made the smaller to chuckle in satisfaction.

While outside the small building, Mr. Byun held in his phone pressed close to ear and waits for the person to pick up his call. He made sure there was no one to watch him. "What took you so long to pick up the phone, jerk?"

He shouted at the person and sighed sooner. "Whatever. Where is that slut? Has he reached the airport already?"

"Yes Master! He is on his way to airport. We are right close to him."

He heaved a sigh, with a slight smirk escaping at the corner of his lips. "Good! Once he leaves the country, make sure he never comes back, got it?"

"Sure Master! I'll let you know about everything." He abruptly hung up the call, smirking before he walked towards the building but was stopped by the sluttish woman who was has been shut out by the golden blonde.

Confused at her expression, Mr. Byun got closer to her and asked her sadly. "What happened, honey? Did he do something to you?" The woman shot him a death glare before moving her gaze away towards the pool beside where she was standing.

"He is so annoying. I wish he just disappears." She mutters in annoyance, which made Mr. Byun burn in fret.

"I said don't you fucking talk bullshit about my son. Though you are mine, it doesn't mean that you have the rights to talk about my son. Fucking shut up that asshole of yours. Got it?" The woman stayed there silently, breathing heavily while holding in her anger.

Meanwhile the bunny male leaned back on the seat, his ears plugged in with the soft ear buds, his eyes closed as he listens to the most depressing song, to break his broken heart even more assuming his lover has already been married to the golden blonde.

All those years with sweet memories, endless cuddles, sleepless nights and ethereal kisses, all felt like just a dream which will never happen in his life ever again. When he was so lost in thinking about his lover, he unknowingly lets out a drop of tear, shreds down from his closed eyes, making him quickly wipe off.

When he opened his eyes, he looked through the window only to be shocked to see the driver taking the left turn instead of the right, making him mystified. He leaned closer to the driver seat and tapped the drivers shoulder, making him stop.

"Ajhussi? Where are you going? I have to get to the airport within an hour. You are taking the wrong direction. Ajhussi?" He was panicking, his mind filling up with gruesome possibilities of why and what the driver might do to him.

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