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Yeosang can feel his heart break as he watches from afar, Anna's house cordoned off after the crime had happened in her house. He can see the maid, which he assumes is the one who spotted the message first, giving a testimony to the police, looking like she's shaken up herself. He has been trying to contact Anna but it seems that she's been unreachable ever since the message she had sent to him this morning.

It also looks like they have decided to hand the case over to the police, judging from how there are several officers crowding the front gates.

He can only hope that Anna is doing well, because he's not about to walk into the house while claiming that he's her boyfriend now. He'll surely be kicked out before he even manages to say the first sentence, and not to mention how their relationship is still being kept under wraps. To have her parents find out just right after they were targeted by the Reflectors might give them too much of a shock. All of his messages have gone unread, and he can't imagine how Anna is feeling right now.

There seems to be a barrier that prevents him from moving closer to her house, and the crime scene gets more and more crowded. Curious neighbours and onlookers have guessed what had happened, giving rise to a ripple of panic among the crowd gathered. Along with the verbalization of worry among them, there is a common question asked; why the Yoo household was targeted by the Reflectors.

It's a known fact that the Reflectors have a certain targeted group, and Yeosang can't bear to hear them talking bad about Anna's family, despite knowing that if it's true, there's nothing much that he can do. All that he hopes is that anyone who's not involved with the scandals would not be on the receiving end, but when it comes to rumours they will fly about without any restrictions. He's scared that Anna is going to be affected by it, since sometimes people know no mercy when they talk about others.

He gives one last message to her, typing it out slowly as he tries to word his sentence properly. As he hits the send button, there's a feeling of heaviness that hangs around him. First it's Soyeon, and now it's Anna. He looks back to his house; if Danbi gets hurt too I won't forgive myself.

It's true how he's feeling wary of Danbi after knowing the results of the DNA tests, but deep down inside he feels that there is more than what he has managed to find out. Both him and Anna has tried to make sense on how they would share the exact same DNA, and after much research by Anna - who, despite being a fashion designer, having medical professors as parents means that she's exposed to a lot of medical and scientific terms - they could only come to one conclusion.

If they are not indeed the same person physically, another scenario where they could have a matching set of DNA would mean that they are the same person, but in another term.

Yeosang thinks back to the extensive discussion they had about the possibility.

"Clones?" Yeosang had looked at her in incredulity. "You're saying they are clones of each other? That sounds kind of... weird."

"It does sound weird, and it's a heavily controversial topic," Anna supplemented. "Cloning plants and animals are normal, but the limit is set when it comes to humans. It's illegal in a sense, also not to mention that it has never been successfully done on humans before."

"You're saying that Danbi and Soyeon were successful attempts to clone humans? One of them were put into a machine and bam, another was produced at some point of their lives?"

Anna chuckled, clearly amused by his set idea of what a cloning attempt is. "I think you've watched too many movies, baby." She bit her lower lip as her new nickname for him slipped out of her mouth, still feeling shy from the fact that they're now together. "That's not how cloning works, at least not in real life."

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