= 34 =

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Danbi screams as she loses another round of cards as she plays with San and his parents at the patio, slowly putting down her set of cards in front. She has seen countless losses, and San has been pulling the winning streak as he brushes all the snacks they put as the prize towards himself. He has been winning nonstop, that even his parents are scratching their heads at how their son is so good at the game that they have no chance at all.

Madam Choi smiles as she sees San sticking out his tongue to Danbi while claiming that he won again, while Danbi looks sulky at the mention of this before attempting to bring him into a headlock before messing up his hair. The older woman looks at her husband before doing a face full of meaning as she tilts her head to the young lovebirds, indicating that maybe they should leave them alone now that it's almost late into the night.

Sir Choi glances at his wife and the two young people before yawning and covering his mouth with his palm as he says, "I really need to sleep now, I still have to go to work tomorrow." He turns to Danbi, "It was nice spending some quality time with you, see you tomorrow morning."

Danbi quickly releases San from her grasp when she sees that both his parents are looking at them with silly smiles on their faces. She stands up when both of his parents do, and she bows at them as San does the same.

"Have a good night, Sir and Madam Choi," she rigidly says, to which Madam Choi laughs before waving her hand.

"No, no, I told you not to call us that. Remember what I told you when I was showing the photo album? Just call me mom," she looks happy to even be able to say that, "and my husband..." She does a mischievous look to his husband, "He doesn't mind too. Honey," she cups Danbi's face, "you're our family now."

With a final wave from Madam Choi and Sir Choi, it's like they have planned in unison to visit the two sometimes, before completely leaving them alone together in a situation that could make it awkward.

She hears San chuckling while munching on one of the snacks he won, and she looks down to see him leaning against the railing, one of his knee up while his other leg is stretched out.

He stretches his arm out as he rests it on his knee. "It's only been one day and my mom has completely fallen in love with you. This day isn't even over yet; I might even have to fight with my mom to win you over," he jokes.

She narrows her eyes before plopping down next to him, feeling the night breeze as the insects' chirring accompanies their night. She leans her head backwards against the railing, hugging her knees to her chest. "I like her; she really knows how to make people feel welcomed."

"Well for one, she is," San takes her hand in his, pulling it onto his lap before stroking it with his thumb, "but it's because she knows that she can trust you. My mom has this... sense? If you can say that. She can pick out my fake friends before I can, it's like she has this third eye that can see through someone who's around us. So if she's nice to you like this," he looks at her, "she trusts you."

She takes some time to think, before replying, "I don't know whether I should be excited how Choi San's mother has accepted me into the family, or be intimidated now that I'm probably an open book."

"They're a huge supporter of the Reflectors, you know," he suddenly says.

"Really?" She looks genuinely surprised that she scoots closer to him before trying to look at him in the eyes. "I mean people like your family could be the targets, and they'd usually be against it in any form. Aren't they... scared?" She tries hard to not make it sound so offensive that she's scrutinizing every change in San's expression.

He chuckles, "They know that they are probably in the list too, but considering the Reflectors' modus operandi now, they- you," there's a slight smile at the end of his sentence, "-don't break into someone's house without a reason. The houses are all those who have been on the 'dirty' list except that the law doesn't punish them accordingly. So to my parents, if this house were to get robbed by the Reflectors, they'll say that they had it coming and deserved it."

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