= 11 =

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Her mind is telling her that everything at that moment is wrong and that she is currently late for her interview, yet she stares at the person named San dumbly.

He's dressed up in an all-black suit with a white undershirt, the few buttons on top undone as he fans himself, obviously struggling with the heat. Bits of his black-green hair is caked up with some blood, but apparently not enough to call up an ambulance. The situation in which he had just saved her from gets drowned out in the background, the police and ambulance called over to the site yet her being the almost-victim is quickly forgotten.

She doesn't know what she's staring at; his phone that contains the picture of her... doppelgänger or the features that make him look like he just returned from a modelling job - the sharp jawline, the dimples that dip together with his facial movement, his piercing eyes that make her unknowingly wait for them to turn to her, his perfectly proportionate body as he - Kim Danbi what on earth are you doing? There are a thousand other gorgeous men out there and you're looking at him like he's the first one you've ever met.

But something is drawing her to him. The familiarity? She has never seen this man before in her whole life, or has she?

San looks at her, as if trying not to appear too rude as he keeps his eyes on her face only, his forehead crinkling every now and then. He spins the phone in his hand then stops before standing up and sliding the phone inside his suit jacket. As he stands up, she takes one look at his face before her hand impulsively reaches out to touch his forehead.

In reflex he grabs her hand, stopping her from laying a finger on him then releasing it. "Miss Bae, I don't know what you went through in these few days you went missing, but you're acting unlike... yourself. The contract states that no physical contact allowed unless necessary, you've read it over yourself."

She blinks before curling her fingers, slight embarrassment trailing as she lowers down her hand. "It's just- you're- bleeding and your face is," she waves her hand up and down in front of her face, "ruined with that blood."

As if to prove her point he feels something dripping onto his right eyelid and he blinks to get rid of the sticky feeling, but finds his vision being blocked more. Before he could wipe it away, a cloth is pressed against his forehead and with his left eye, he sees her concentrating on pressing the cloth on the area where the blood has dripped to. She doesn't look at him, as if doing so would cause him to immediately slap her hand away.

When she's done, she lifts up the cloth, which turns out to be the handkerchief she keeps in her handbag before handing it over to him. "No physical contact based on whatever contract you're saying." She pushes the handkerchief onto his palm before taking a look at her watch, panicking as she realizes that she only has 10 minutes left until the interview starts. "I don't know what on earth just happened but I'm not the person you're looking for. Thank you for saving me from being separate pieces of blood, skin and bones on the road, so if you may excuse me."

"Miss Bae-" San runs to catch up with her, just as the light turns green. He struggles to keep up with her pace, whereas she pretends like he doesn't exist. She looks straight forward as he exasperatedly tries to catch her attention again. "Miss Bae, we have a lot to talk about. You need to return home and explain everything. If you have any problems we can discuss-" He gets startled when she suddenly stops, turns around and looks at him dead in the eye.

They're facing off in the middle of the intersection, the green light having a remainder of 15 seconds left.

"My name is Kim Danbi and not the person you keep calling me as. If I miss this interview, then that's another chance of me missing at life."

"But you look exactly like her-"

"Maybe she's my secret twin, my doppelgänger, I don't know!" she almost shouts, and he looks at her as if offended. She blinks, losing her demeanour just moments ago before claiming, "I'm sorry for lashing out, but it's pretty rude of you to claim me as someone I'm not. I don't care if we have the same face, but it doesn't change the fact that I'm not her. Look, life is as hard as it is, and I don't need any more problems. I'm trying to earn a living."

Mirrored Match // ATEEZ ✔Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin