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She can't hear what San is saying next, as her heartbeat has taken over her hearing senses until that's the only thing resonating in her ears. As she gets her voice back, she asks the most stupid question that she feels like slapping herself into oblivion.

"But why?"

San pulls his head back before tilting it, his mouth twisting as he mulls over the question. It's what he didn't expect to come out of her mouth; he was already preparing for her answer that states how she views him as not more than a bodyguard. He lets go of his hold on her sleeve before attempting to answer.

"Because... I've already fallen... for you?" he says, looking unsure of himself. It's like he doesn't know why she's asking that question.

"Yeah, but..." She looks down, still unable to comprehend. "You're royalty... while I'm," she runs her hand up and down her arm, feeling it hard to verbalize it. "You know my life story. I'm living a life started from lies, and I don't know how far I can take it. I'm not who you think I am; you deserve a girl who's... more, I don't know, more ladylike and proper."

He gives off a sad smile. "I can't believe you're still thinking of yourself that way," he utters. "You need to give credit to yourself; you've been holding on pretty well and you've adapted quickly. You did a job no one else could. And I've liked you since even before you knew who I was."

"It's not that," she presses her lips together, the tears coming to her as she's reminded of her conversation with both Yunho and Jongho. "You need to know-"

"It doesn't matter who you are," he steps backwards, scared that she might feel uncomfortable with his advances. "Because whoever you are, I like you. Your outgoing personality, the way you can adapt yourself so fast to a situation, the way you generally look like you don't care but you always try your best. No matter how much people put you down, you always stay true to yourself."

Staying true to myself... I'm not even being myself right now.

"I understand that if you think I'm being overwhelming and that you only view me as your bodyguard. I just thought," he shrugs, "that I'd let you know about my feelings. I don't expect you to return it." He smiles as he shoves his hands in his pockets. "Ah, I think we should head back now, don't want to be missing tea or else my mom will be up in our ears." He turns around but looks down as his sleeve is tucked from behind, and as he throws a look over his shoulder, Danbi is looking at him with teary eyes.

"I don't want you to regret saying that you like me," she utters slowly, "because I might not be the person you think I am. I might not even be truthful to myself."

He turns around to face her again before putting out his right palm facing upwards. "I won't."

"Even if I say I'm a part of the Reflectors?" she claims through gritted teeth.

His tone is unfaltering, as if he has known that fact all along. "I won't."

She widens her eyes when it seems that he has already known about it, unable to muster a reply.

"I know you're a part of them, but I don't know to what extent. I respect your decision to keep it under wraps. Still," he looks down, "that doesn't change the fact that I like you, or whether I'll regret it. I won't, because I can't change my feelings."

She advances towards him, who still has his palm out. She doesn't say anything but grips his hand with her own, advancing before placing her forehead against his chest. She bites her lips until she can feel blood coming out before muttering ever so slowly.

"I like... you too."

He places his free hand on her shoulder before lightly pushing her back, then proceeding to cup her face. "I couldn't hear what you said."

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