12. Shoulda Swiped Left

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I'm dreading returning because I know who will be at the dorm; my no good, nosy roommate (I say that with love.) I've already told him I skipped because I wanted to, but best I think up a lie to give before returning otherwise he'll put too many pieces together. Suppose I can be a little honest; I went to the movies, just don't tell him who with or the real reason why.

As expected, the moment I enter the dorm room, Tori asks, "Where have you been?"

"I told you, I just wanted to skip."

Tori's sitting on his bed with a controller in hand. The TV's on, his game paused so all focus can be put on interrogating my unfortunate self. Oh joy! Tori's eyes narrow in obvious disbelief. "Mhm, why did you want to skip? Where did you even go?"

"Took a bus to the mall to see a movie."

Tori hops out of bed. He's beside me in less than a second, inspecting me from head to toe like the weirdo that he is.

"What are you doing?" I ask.

"You sure you weren't on a date?"


"Your face is red."

I press my hands to my cheeks finding that yeah, my face is still warm. Damn it all! I even waited downstairs for a bit in order to calm down. Why am I overreacting anyways? It wasn't a date or anything. Matt and I went to the movies then got some food, that's it! A perfectly normal thing to do among friends...which we are, I guess?

"I took the stairs up here, must have been the exercise," I lie in what I hope to be a believable fashion, but this is Tori we're talking about. His Spidey Senses are honestly good and by good I mean terrible because he catches on too quick for comfort.

"You definitely went on a date. Who with? What's his name? How did you meet?" Tori is shaking me now. "Give me the deets!"

"Why do you care?"

"Because I am your loving friend that wishes to know."

"You mean because you're nosy and can't stay out of other people's business?"

"That too, but mostly because I'm your friend!"

I roll my eyes, smacking Tori's hand away. It's only then that I realized I basically fell into his trap. I didn't continue to deny it wasn't a date. Shit.

"It wasn't a date and there are no details. You're worse than my sister!" I rush over to my desk. There's some assignments that need to be done. At least Tori knows not to bother me when I'm working. He backs off, for now.

If only my mind would back off too. No matter how much I attempt to work, nothing really gets done. My eyes scan over the reading material only to take in absolutely nothing. I'm left sitting here, remembering the feel of Matt's hand in mine. His touch was warm, a little tight during our running fiasco, but comforting nevertheless. Thinking of it quickens my pulse yet again.

Stop, stop it, Dana! It doesn't matter. You're just acting like this because you haven't dated in a while, or arguably at all. Not sure if my boyfriend at the age of 14 really counts seeing as the most we did was kiss and hold hands before breaking it off when he moved states. The relationship was short and sweet, certainly not a bad memory, but not exactly close to a real dating experience, for lack of a better description.

Perhaps I should look into dating?

I lean back in my chair, arms crossed in thought.

There's apps for that nowadays, although I'm not so sure about downloading a dating app though. Always feels as if others are looking for a booty call, which I haven't the interest, experience, or confidence for. Suppose there are others like me though; honestly looking for a relationship that may last. And what better time than now? I'm in college, experiencing life on my own, nothing wrong with scoping out the dating scene...right?

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