2. Lady Luck Can Suck It

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I'm going to puke.

Walking around campus, the only reaction I get are pointed whispers. Heads are turning my way, snickering beneath their breath, but at least I haven't been attacked yet. Maybe that's because Tori is at my side heading for our first class of the day. Sadly, we share that math class with Matt so the moment we step into the room I am met with yet another hush.

The students sitting tiredly at desks suddenly awake upon seeing me. My stomach has dropped. My body is shaking. I think I'm going to faint. Tori starts pushing me from behind to get us to our desks. Unlike him, who is smiling like an idiot, I'm shaking like a leaf with a huge frown and Matt isn't even here yet!

"What-what should I say to him?" I ask Tori when we both take our seats.

"Don't say anything."

"That makes me seem like I don't want to pay—"

"You don't, though?"

"I should. I ruined the shirt."

"Bullshit. He can take it to the cleaners or buy a new one. He has money spewing out of his ass."

That's not the point! Just because he has a lot of money doesn't mean no one should pay him should they ruin something he owns. If someone rear ends his car, should he pay for the damage? Obviously not! And I don't want to be that jerk who won't pay up. I, uh, I'm sure I can ask to do monthly installments...right?

I slam my head against the desk.

Please don't show up today. Maybe everything will calm down if he doesn't show up for just one—

"Good morning, Matt!"

"Hey Matt, what's up?"

Damn it.

Slowly raising my head, I find Matt entering the room without so much as acknowledging anyone; myself included. As happy as that makes me, I know that at some point I'll have to speak with him.

Matt takes a seat near the front of the room. He removes his headphones to sit around his neck, some expensive brand that's probably as sound proof as they get. Immediately the desks around him are filled with students chattering away. I hear many asking when Matt plans to ask for the money. They look over their shoulders towards me, some appearing sympathetic and others simply enjoying the drama. However, Matt never answers the question and never gives me so much as a glance, not once throughout the entire class.

By the end, with his backpack and notebook in hand, he leaves without a glance too. Even his fanatics are shocked that he left, scattering like roaches to quickly get their own belongings and follow him.

"Heh, I'm starting to think he really isn't going to ask you to pay him back," says Tori with a nod. He's shoving a notebook into his bag, standing while throwing it over his shoulder. "That's awesome. If he doesn't ask then you shouldn't bring it up, seriously."


"If he isn't asking then it's probably because he knows, unlike him, we're a bunch of broke ass college students. I think he'd look like a jackass to ask for the money."

I bite my lip.

Could that really be the reason? I'm uncertain and, seeing as I have no way to contact him other than randomly running into him on campus, there's no quick way to find out. We won't see each other again until Thursday where we share math and our freshman seminar. By then maybe I can figure out what to say to him, if I can even meet with him alone, which I highly doubt. His mob may actually jump me if I even tried.

"Oh, you're still coming to the party Friday night, right?" Tori asks.

I nod "Yeah."

"You work Friday morning though, sure you'll be ok?"

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